Hope this is the appropriate forum for this question. I need help with my avatar. I have a picture I’d like to use but it’s too big. I would like to know if there is any way I can shrink it to 150x150. Help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Use paintshop or whatever picture editor to reduce it to a % of the original size. It is the stretch function in regular MS paint.
If you get it down to 150 x 150 and the file size is too big, convert it to a .gif file. Less colors=smaller file.
You can Ask us to edit the Picture for you since some of us have Hi-end Graphic packages, some, like myself, are happy to edit said Pictures for you. I Myself have a Mid-range package and it does it easly. I know there are Several Editor that will do what you need for free.
Mine came with my scanner, and therefore a bargin.