I am making an RPG with RM2K3 and I found that I need one more character. I decided that I would put one of you in it.
You get to specialize in the Earth element, and you must PM me with a name, desired sprite, one stat to specialize in, and one to basically suck at. But I don’t want to have to choose which one of you. (just because i’m a lazy 12-year-old)
Rystar, I don’t mean to be a jerk about this, so don’t get offended or anything, but
Everyone here kinda has a bad rep of you. I don’t really remember why, if it was you being inmature or if it was people like Ori. Probably some of both.
Homebrewed RPGs RARELY get off the ground. A 12 year old working by himself stands little chance. Orak has been able to crank out one or two, but he has entirely too much time on his hands and is one devoted motherfucker.
Forcing a person to specialize in Earth is kinda stupid (unless there’s a damn good reason).
There’s been a lot of these “OMG I WILL PUT U IN MY RPG LOLOL” threads.
Tensions are kinda high because of things involving the ToB, and a certain person whose name kinda rhymes with “Samus” but is nowhere as cool.
Hmm. That was cruel people. He wasn’t talking l33t or crap. He asked politely. And I don’t want to be it cause I don’t specialize in earth or any element for that matter but that was cruel. Who cares if it doesn’t get off the ground at least they made one. Now if somebody did want to join you should of just let them instead of the 1-50 because there no way you’d find more than 10 maybe even less than 5 or 0 who would want to join.
I think that is a little to high, right? Besides, I would not want to be in it, since I am NO Earth elemental warrior, I am a WIND elemental warriors!!:noway:
Homebrewed RPGs RARELY get off the ground. A 12 year old working by himself stands little chance. Orak has been able to crank out one or two, but he has entirely too much time on his hands and is one devoted motherfucker.
and I still have White Nova saved somewhere… if it weren’t just for the fact that I was on a writer’s and programming block I’d have the battle system done by now.
feels bad of Ryoto 31 (though I am mostly a Fire Element fighter)
Originally posted by Zombie_Ori X, next time you decide to blame someone for something get your head out of your ass and remember that you’re as much of an asshole as I am.
Except usually X actually knows what he is talking about, and isn’t an idiot.