My MPEG asploed!

Okay, I have a problem: when I try to open MPEG files with Windows Media Player, nothing happens. Anything else except QuickTime, it NOT RESPONDINGs. Anyone know what the hell might be happening?

Well, you’re using Windows Media Player, for one thing. for codecs, you probably already have quicktime and realplayer since you’re that kinda guy. for Media Player Classic, your new media player.

Yeah, try using an older version of Media Player. If you look in the Media Player folder, there might be a program there called “mplayer2.exe” or something like that. That’s Media Player 6.4. Try using it instead of the new one.

DivX and InterVideo WinDVD both can run MPEGs better than widows media player. Try using those if you have either.

I wasn’t just using WMP. It caused IrfanView and Guilty Gear XX #Reload (which has .MPEG videos in the intro sequence) to freeze. But I’ll look into these.

EDIT: There, it worked.

It’s your mpeg codec. IrfanView use the same as Windows Media Player, and won’t work unless Windows Media Player works. Try and install Defilerpack, or switch to using VideoLan Client.