Okay. This is a reoccuring issue, and it’s really bugging me.

I have two monitors. This one, and another one.

Originally, I was using this monitor, until I compared it to my friend’s monitor. My monitor, even when set to maximum brightness and gamma, is slightly darker than my friend’s monitor. Dark to the point where I see this color as pure black. I couldn’t view movies, view pictures properly; or pretty much surf the net without squinting my eyes to try and see.

I got another monitor in my basement which I then switched to. Everything was illuminated excellently. After maybe 3 months of use, I notice that occassionally, it’d (the screen) would just turn black. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it’d go black, and a little white line would be shown vertically in the center of the screen for like a split second. Then it’d stay black. This happened once, and it freaked me out. I didn’t know what to do, so I waited it out. After like 40 minutes of waiting, it kind of brightened a bit from the black and kept brightening until full illuminance. This happened again some time later, and I banged the screen in frustration.

Suprisingly, it fixed the problem; it quickly went back to being bright. Then it happened more often, and I kept banging the screen. Yesterday, it happened, and then I fixed it; and like 5 seconds later, it happened again, and so on. I got so frustrated at my aching hand, and broken monitor; I switched to the older, darker one again.

Now I have the same problem as before, it’s too dark. I can’t play my MMORPG’s like this at all. I tried google for tips on increasing monitor brightness through a program; and got absolutely nothing.

Does anybody know any remedies for this?

Your monitors are fucked. Buy a new one you bum.

Being a 16 year old without a job, monitors can be pretty pricey. I recall somebody, think it was TD or 984, said there was a menu on computer where you can change stuff. I checked all the menus I thought were relevant, and found nothing.

When I was 16 and I wanted to go on a date I did what I could to acquire and save my money. Its all about priorities and you’ll get no pity from me. In everything you do, you find excuses to whine and have other people do your own work. Grow up.

Just steal the money from your parents.

Hey, thanks for helping; really.

I’m not interested in buying another monitor, I have bought a few between the past few years. I’d like to fix this problem now, instead of in like 6 weeks when I have money.

It’s a hardware issue, open your monitor and you’ll die. Replace it.

This is what happens when anything ray based gets old (TVs too). Your monitor is old. Buy another.

Go to TigerDirect. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.