Move over Realultimatepower

Charle, you’re good.

And I prefer the original, if only because of the music. :smiley:

Catgirls…schoolgirls…WHOA. :slight_smile:

I, too, find japanese girls teh uber-sekzay.

And BTW, there is no such thing as “too much boobage”. :kissy:

Originally posted by Macc Maverick
Man, it’s about time you guys started talking about something worth commenting on again.

Everything pales in comparison to catgirls, hm?

Charle, you are soo cool ;.;

Originally posted by Macc Maverick
Mr. M. Maverick is in full agreement. Man, it’s about time you guys started talking about something worth commenting on again.

Wow. Looks like I learned the magic word for Mr. M Maverick ;>

And go check the media forum for some recent catgirlage. Should be plenty of Catgirlish images there, one of Kai too…

And speaking of which, I’ll have to try sketching up a schoolgirl one day… (Preferably catgirlish ;))

I could be a japanese schoolgirl. But I need a kit to get started.

GG, there can too be too much boobage. Namely anything DD or bigger (IMO).

And schoolgirls… ^.^

Originally posted by Cala
GG, there can too be too much boobage. Namely anything DD or bigger (IMO).

I was oh so close to replying by saying that you were wrong.

Originally posted by Cala
[b]GG, there can too be too much boobage. Namely anything DD or bigger (IMO).

And schoolgirls… ^.^ [/b]

I never understood the appeal of overly large breasts. I mean, I want something I can actually hold in one hand, dammit! …Now I keep thinking of that statement X2K made awhile ago about big penises.

And nice to see yer not dead, Grandpappy Macc.

I generally prefer not-excessively-huge, too. Medium-sized is tantamount to perfection.

Sometimes I wonder about the catgirl fetish thing. You know that right after sex the female cat usually scratches the male? I would think that’d be painful if the catgirl’s human sized.

Originally posted by Cala
[b]GG, there can too be too much boobage. Namely anything DD or bigger (IMO).

And schoolgirls… ^.^ [/b]

Belive it or not, I agree, but that line was BEGGING to be said. No-one can argue with that. :slight_smile:

For me, the ideal size is maybe a liiitle bigger than average.

Gods, I love that fact that I belong to a forum where we can have a civilised conversation about breasts.

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
Gods, I love that fact that I belong to a forum where we can have a civilised conversation about breasts.
What the hell are you on boy? We’re never civilized!

Originally posted by Xelopheris
What the hell are you on boy? We’re never civilized!

I wanna quote all this and put it in my sig, but it would be too much effort.

A handful is really enough for me, but bigger is good too :cool:

God help us…

Sombody take that editing suite away from Charle!

Slowly but surely, I become more and more frightened of myself… And that hideous burn on my chest. God does it hurt. :stuck_out_tongue:

Once or twice, in the Bob & George chatroom, I transformed all the way into a cat.