Most Underrated Final Fantasy!

FFV isn’t underrated, its a fun but poorly done game. Yeah- the job system is great and all that- but… uh… there are NO CHARACTERS in the game, if you know what I mean. Nobody really has a distinct personality! The main characters have absolutely no motivation to go on their quest, and the graphics are almost completely ripped out of Final Fantasy IV. Also- it can’t be underrated- it is VERY popular. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Hiryuu: Here here!

Originally posted by Jenova’s Witness
[b]Hmmph. As far as I’m concerned, FF7 is the greatest game of all time, and I’m not overrating it in saying so, HOWEVER, I think that some people like it for the wrong reasons, such as the graphics, and the fact that Cloud and Sephiroth look uber cool and have big swords. FF7 deserves every bit of hype that it gathers, because its story is so amazingly superlative. It wasn’t in any way simple, and that’s what I like. It was a beautiful and complex storyline. As far as I’m concerned a game needs more than emotion for its story to be great cough FF6 cough, it needs complexity as well. From what I’ve seen FF7 is one of maybe two games that do so. I’m looking forward to when I can find the time to play FFT and Vagrant Story, because both of them are very hyped for the complexity of their storylines.

I went with 9 for underrated, but 5 was close behind. I haven’t played enough of 8 yet. [/b]

Superlative? I would have called the story amazingly convoluted. I prefer to be able to understand what is happening when I’m playing a game. And calling it the greatest game of all time is almost by definition overrating the game (and by omitting the word video in front of game, you increase the measure by which you overrate it).

I agree with you on people liking FF7 for the wrong reasons, but that also conrtibutes to overratedness.

No, again, I don’t think I’m overrating it. SOMETHING has to be the best of all, and for me, that’s FF7.

And Panama, I liked Cloud and Sephiroth, but not because of their looks like some… well, I’ll just call them people… do. I liked Cloud because of his convoluted past, and I liked Seph for basically the same reason. They were well developed characters, who had both emotion and complexity (both moreso with Cloud).

I liked having to stop to think about the story. It made me feel more proud whenever I could figure something out, and it made me appreciate the game that much more.

I’ll admit, some games have aspects that beat FF7. I prefer FFX’s and FFV’s battle system, and FFIX’s cast of characters, but FFVII’s overall package and storyline just wowed me completely.

Exactly and FF7 was my first FF and RPG, so yeah, it’s my favourite game.

To go towards that certain statement, I don’t think FF7 game is the best game ever nor the ebst game out of the series, however I BELIEVE it IS the greatest game of the series. It truely is. Any non fan can say that, by observing its hype. I don’t mean great as in sequence/gameplay I mean by legend.

Originally posted by Evangelion
To go towards that certain statement, I don’t think FF7 game is the best game ever nor the ebst game out of the series, however I BELIEVE it IS the greatest game of the series. It truely is. Any non fan can say that, by observing its hype. I don’t mean great as in sequence/gameplay I mean by legend.

You kinda have a point there… When someone mentions “Final Fantasy”, FF7 is usually the first game to come to mind. It was the epitome of change and evolution in the gaming industry, and brought in a whole new era of Rpg gaming.


for me, like ye said, it has got to be FFIV, there was really nothing wrong with it, i can see some story problems, but if your looking for graphics this isn’t your kinda game, but this game is really under-rated…


Originally posted by woO
but if your looking for graphics this isn’t your kinda game
Duh. This was the first RPG for SNES!

FF6. It’s considered a great game an all, but the difference in appreciation between that and 7 is quite a margin… I kinda prefer 6’s way of interacting with characters, compared to 7’s anyway.

ff1, i mean it wasnt even in the spotlight of anything really

Okay. FF7 is (in my opinion) the greatest ff game ever. But ff6 is not far behind and everyone nearly always forgets to mention it. It was the 8th FF game I played and it ROCKS. FF9 is underrated as well. FF8 though is way overrated. In one of my playstation magazines they put it 2nd after FF7 and above FF9 & 6 just because it has an over emotional and soppey ending.

And…why do people like ff8? I mean…it had that idiotic draw system…

None. They’re all good~ At least for me they are.

Originally posted by Evangelion
How is FF8 under rated? I saw major hype when that game came out, the only reason it seemed to fade was because it wasn’t “old school” enough and that turned people off. It was highly popular and still is if anyone cares to check out some of the message boards around the net and the media FF8 projects.

And funny how some people say FF9 was ‘too’ old-skool

I for one loves FF8~

Originally posted by Thorn2000
why do people like ff8? I mean…it had that idiotic draw system…
Boo-hoo, it was too hard. These games aren’t supposed to be easy.

I agree. For more than 12 games in the series every frigging system cannot be the same. It’s just maddening to think that the same system would have to be repeated in each game.

The Junctioning system sucked for some people, because those some people didn’t know how to use it properly, but alas, we are past the day and age where each FF is designed for every age and wit group. Of course the game’s would have up-difficulty…

So far I actually thought FFVII was the worst of the series…perhaps it was the hype, I don’t know…the game just didn’t seem that good…a guy with a big sword and an attitude, I wished he wasn’t the “hero”, lol.

Anyway, I voted for FFIX, departure from the more “human” type story of FFVIII and graphically more light-hearted, I’m playing it right now and it’s quite good. If MQ was up there I would’ve voted for it; played it back when I was younger, loved it.

Edit: Switch FFXI to FFIX, what I meant.

I think ff3 was the most underrated becuase it was the least played. but its quite fun and has a nice story line for a nes rpg. a little ahead of its time I suppose. quite good.