Browsing into the Forgotten Realms Rulebook…
I found those nifty spells
Evocation [Darkness]
<B>Level:</B> Darkness 3, Sor/Wiz 3
<B>Components:</B> V,S,M
<B>Casting time:</B> 1 action
<B>Range:</B> Close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels)
<B>Area:</B> A 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a creature, object or point in space.
<B>Duration:</B> 1 round/level (D)
<B>Saving Throw:</B> Will negates or none (Object)
<B>Spell Resistance:</B> Yes or no (Object)
You create an area of total Darkness. The darkness is impenetrable to normal vision or darkvision, but you can see normally within the blacklit area. Creatures outside the spell’s area, even you, cannot see through it.<p> You can cast the spell on a point in space, but the effect is stationary unless you can cast it on a mobile object. You can cast the spell on a creature, and the effects then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. Unattended objects and points in space do not get saving throw or benefit from spell resistance.<p><i>Blacklight</i> counters or dispels any light spells equal or or lower level, such as <i>daylight</i>. The 3rd-level cleric spell daylight counters or dispels <i>blacklight</i>
Material compenent: A piece of coal and the dried eyeball of any creature
Evocation [Darkness]
<B>Level:</B> Darkness 5
<B>Components:</B> V,S
<B>Casting time:</B> 1 action
<B>Range:</B> Medium (100 ft. + 10ft./2 levels)
<B>Effect:</B>One ray/2 caster levels (Maximum seven)
<B>Duration:</B> Instantaneous (see text)
<B>Saving Throw:</B> Will partial
<B>Spell Resistance:</B> Yes
You unleash beams of darkness from you open palm. You must suceed at touch attack to strike your target. You can hurl one darkbolt for every two caster levels you have. (maximum 7 bolts). You can hurl all the bolts aat once, or you can hurl one bolt per round ass a free action, starting on the round when you cast the spell. You do not have to hurl a bolt every round, but if you hurl the bolt you were entitled to that round, it is lost. If you hurl all the bolts at once, all your target must be within 60 feet of each other.<p>
a darkbolt deals 2d8 points of damage to a living creature, and the creature is dazed for 1 round unless it makes a will save.
Undead take no damage, but are dazed if they fail their save.