Mmmm... caaaaaake...

There, i said it. :o And yummz0r. I didn’t recognize it as cake at first and still thought “yum”… <.<;

:hyperven: I hope there is a lot of sugar.

I bet that would taste so good.

Also neat.
Zombie cake is wrong though. You don’t eat zombies, zombies eat you!

is sick

(10 characters)

I remember an odd cookbook I once had…

All sorts of bizarre dishes.

Such as: Toasted Tongues, Flat-Cat Flapjacks, and boogers on a stick.

Boogers on a stick was easiest to make, just pretzel sticks with chesse died green with food coloring.

The drinks were something else… Sewer Soda (complete with feces tootsie rolls) and Day-Old bathwater just to name a few…

Heh. That cake looks right up that cook-book’s alley.