…or whatever.

Still a couple hours to ge here, but whatever. Merry Outlaw-Fat-Man-Breaks-Into-Your-Home day.

I thought he was a serial rapist? Oh well, Merry Xmas.

Merry Christmas, and Goodwill to All.

:moogle: :victoly: :biggrin: :kissy: :hyperven: :wave:

Bah, Humbugmas.


Hey, ya Scrooges! Check out this link for some really cool comic book-based Christmas stuff ranging from the sublime to the profane:

My favorite is the one about SuperJesus and Super Santa making up. :hahaha;

Though the most touching (in a down-to-Earth way) was Kate Beacon’s webcomic (follow the link there.) Yeah working on Christmas Eve sucks.

Merry belated Xmas.

And a happy pre-release version of Zelda with different stuff you can try out.

I misread :
My favorite is the one about SuperJesus and Super Santa making out.
Way different visual.

What’d y’all get?

Gamewise I got Super Stret Fighter IV and Monopoly Streets and Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Addion (it’s cheaper than buying Awakening and all the DLC seperately), plus close to $100 worth of PSN gift cards. I’m going to get the PS3 versions of Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! as well as Scott Pilgrim VS the World.

Ditto. Good movie.

Nothing material, but I got to see “Tangled” again this time with my sister Ivonne and niece Nelimar along for the ride. I hardly see them these days, especially Nel who’s in College now, so spending the day together was the best present I could ask for. :slight_smile:

Ehh, I had a quiet Christmas Day with immediate family; the extended family came over on Boxing Day. Had the first two days of the week off for the stat holidays, which was also nice. I generally only get a day off when there is a stat holiday, since I work two jobs nowadays.

As far as gifts, we decided we wouldn’t do anything this year, since everyone other than me is up to their ears in debts and can’t really afford to spend more money right now. Which is fine with me, the downtime was more valuable than any object I could have been given.

Happy Holidays!

Anyways, I didn’t get much, since I didn’t want too much. So that amounts to money, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Fallout: New Vegas (for $20 no less!), and a massage thing to put in your chair. I’d list stuff I got off Steam, but frankly, there hasn’t been anything worth getting in their holiday sale (that I can run anyways). Was nice and quiet though.

I got:

Shotgun Ice!


^ What he said.

This is my first year since 1992 with no video games. I got an HTC Incredible, an iPad keyboard and dock, and the obligatory sweaters.

I got a gun and many gun related accessories.