Megaman X3 - Chips

I’m replaying Megaman X3, and trying to beat every boss using just the buster, plus without the Golden Chip or the Z-Saber.

That said, I was wondering, which of the upgrade chips do you guys prefer the most, and why? Right now I’m leaning on either helmet or arm, but I’d like to get some other perspectives.

Helmet doesn’t work in battle, so that makes it less useful. I tend to go arm or armor when I don’t go straight for gold.

Arm for me. If you kill them faster, you don’t need the extra armor.

Leg for me. Allows for some neat sniping and acrobatics. Besides, if you don’t get hit at all, you won’t need the extra armor.

Oh, so you like it quick and meaningless. You’re a slut, SE.

I’m also a leg man.