Ok, this is going to drive me nuts!! I’ve maxed my attack with the power source trick with those enemies in the Goganga ruined reactor and now I have to find a way to max the other 4 billion stats, naw, I’ve figured out the rest of them except… Magic defense and magic attack!!! IM GOING TO CRY IF I CAN’T FIGURE THIS OUT!! grrr… help please?
If you’re not patient enough to figure them out, you’re probably not patient enough to do them, and I’d advise cheating.
why are you that worried about maxing stats? You really dont need it in FF7.
Umm, Magic and Mind Sources I think. I forget where to get them though.
But Luke has a point. Once you get everyone close to level 99, you utterly destroy everything anyway. Especially if you equip your materia right. So why bother?
good points all around, and magic sources are a pain in the but to find but, having done everything, it gets kinda boring just wandering around maxing out newly born materia over and over, so i figured i needed something else to do, thats all.
Get another game?
Yes, like Jenga or Trivial Pursuit
wow, ok brutal, but I’ll take it to heart and say that I probably need to find a new game, but fortunately, after school, I started Legend of Dragoon, but this is the Final Fantasy board so I’ll stop there, but thanks for the…constructive -_-…criticism…
I’d say you’re better off stat-whoring Cloud >_>
Aggreed. I Normally dont go out looking for stat boosters, but if I get them, they go on Cloud.
If you’re looking for a game with a rediculous amount of things to do, the ability to trick out your characters, and has Cloud in it, play Final Fantasy Tactics.
Throw Dragoon out the window.
Dragoon isn’t a bad game. It has a good story, interesting characters, and I like the timed-attack system. It does have a lack of mini-games and other things to do besides the main storyline.
It also has one of, if not THE worst translations I’ve ever seen. And I don’t mean FFVI stuff where normal dialogues just sound a bit funny, this looks like it was translated by a five year old who took two or three English classes in his entire life.
Try playing any of the Wild ARMs games. 8p
And that’s exactly the reason for why I’m only playing Alter Code: F. Now if they would just remake the other two…
Alter Code F has, if anything, a far worse translation than the previous ones (with the possible exception of WA2).
…for real? Man… How on earth can these things get trough quality check anymore? I could understand when the original games were released, but haven’t these guys figured out we pay attention to this kind of stuff?
But isn’t that why we like a lot of these Japanese games? The campy charm of bad localization? The awkward forcing of a Japanese peg into an American hole? Where would Final Fantasy VII be without the island of Wutai. Garland’s “I, Garland, will knock you all down!”, Tellah’s “You Spoony Bard!” (well, that’s more censoring than translation, but still), Zell’s hot dog obsession instead of bread, Selphie’s “Booyaka” instead of some obscure Japanese phoenetic thing. FFX had an excellent localization crew. There were some differences, but it was easier because it could now be dubbed instead of subbed, which meant you could easily hear something off rather than read it. But this meant it lost some of the campy charm, made it more serious. I think this contributed a lot to the success of FF7. Do you agree? Off course!
There are plenty of bad translations which are just bad, without even a camp factor. The truth is that back then, both we as consumers and the companies were younger and more innocent; these cute little things were funny then. Now I can’t play an RPG with that sort of mistake without wincing.
Also, I should note that though FF6 and Chrono Trigger changed a lot of the Japanese and had a lot of very strange sentences, I don’t consider either of them bad translations. There were few instances that had bad spelling/grammar or sounded awful. There was actually a lot of originality and creativity that went into those translations.
As for WA:ACF, I wouldn’t even have cared so much (WA3 also had an awful translation) but what really galled me was that it spent TWO YEARS in localization. What the heck were they doing during that time? Couldn’t they at least have found a script editor? And there were some really nasty errors, like text running off the end of a window or being repeated twice.
FFVI’s mistakes were funny, Xenogears’ mistakes made the already gargantuan story even more incomprehensible. I’ve read fan-made translations of the Gazel Ministry conversations and the amount of hidden meanings and foreshadowing that was lost just pisses me off. I draw the line where it affects my understanding of the plot, and dialogue that makes me cringe when I see it (Dragoon) is way beyond what I’m willing to put up with.