Low Memory

I can’t save complete storyboards in windows movie maker. Whenever I save it as a movie, it’ll get to about 30% and then my comp says I have low memory, which seems to freeze my saving process.

What do I need to get to avoid this problem?

As well, if I sent my storyboard and collections to someone else, would they be able to save the thing for me?

Its most likely being caused by the fact that Windows is rendering/compiling/compressing/whatevering your storyboards before it actually saves them. So it is doing its work, and “saving” it temporarily in your memory. Since you probably have something like 256 megs of ram, and most of that is being used by windows anyway, there isn’t enough room for windows to fit the entire thing before it saves it to your hard-disk.

You could try sending them to a friend and then having your friend make them.

That’s what I thought. But apparently you can make vids in sections and then save them all together so that you have a lot less clips and transitions…so hopefully that works.

Yeah I have shitty RAM. So if I went out and bought some, would this problem improve that way? RAM affects the memory thingy, right?

Probably. RAM makes things (such as programs) load faster too, and makes time spent tabbing between high-memory programs shorter.

What you can do as a temporary fix is the following:
[li]Right click My Computer and select Properties.
[/li][li]Go to Advanced.
[/li][li]Click Performance Settings.
[/li][li]Go to Advanced.
[/li][li]Click Virtual Memory Change.
[/li][li]Increase the Size.
[/li][li]Click Set.
[/li][li]Click OK.
This will create more virtual memory which should allow MovieMaker to save Storyboards. Mind you, it is only a temporary fix as virtual memory is slow, slows down the diskdrive as it is used, and is in general absolutelu no replacement for hardware memory.