Live-Action Witch Hunter Robin movie in the works

Live Action Witch Hunter Robin Confirmed for Sci-Fi

Anime Nation has been contacted by Joe Menosky, writer and producer for numerous Star Trek series, and informed that the Sci-Fi Channel signed a deal with Sunrise for the rights to a live action remake of Witch Hunter Robin.

The deal was closed only this past Friday, Mr Menosky will write the series and also act as executive producer along with Mr. Roy Lee (responsible for the remake of “Ring”) and his business partner Doug Davison.

I just hope it’s better then the live-action “Fist of the North Star” movie.

Joe Menosky

This a good or a bad thing?

Mr. Roy Lee (responsible for the remake of “Ring”) and his business partner Doug Davison

Well, that sounds ok at least. The Ring was cool.

Old news. Also not a movie.

Dude, I love Witch Hunter Robin, It would rock to see a live action movie, but seriously, I have no doubt they’d screw it up. They need the X-Files director to oversee it to make it half way good.