life update

hey guys, I haven’t been here in a while so I thought I’d drop by and say hi and let you know what’s been going on with me lately. Most importantly, over the summer I proposed to my girlfriend of 3 years, and we’re going to get married. It’s scheduled for October 10th, 2009 in Boston. It should be a lot of fun. Other than that, I graduated law school and I’m currently in Missouri, living with my fiancee who’s most of the way done with med school. I’m unemployed but job searching.

Anyway that’s that and I hope everyone is doing well and not getting into too much trouble. Later!

Nice to see you around again. Congrats on bagging a female. :smiley:

Whoa, nice Merl. Congrats (on the proposal thing, not the unemployed thing :P)

And now I’m left with the task of deciding whether or not shipping a grand piano as a wedding gift is feasible… :|a

He’s alive! He’s ALIVE!!! :biggrin:

Nice hearing from you, Merl. And congratulations on your graduation AND engagement!

I know a Smart guy like you won’t be unemployed for long.
Drop around here more often, y’hear!

Best Wishes!

Nice to read you again, Merl.
All the best to you and your future spouse.

Other than that, I graduated law school and I’m currently in Missouri, living with my fiancee who’s most of the way done with med school.

Wait. Who’s this Merlin guy again?
Nah! I’m kidding. It’s good to hear from you again mate. And good luck with that marriage thing too. She sounds like a real whopper, that one.

Good to hear from you. I wish you would participate more in our intellectual discussions, though - I miss not having an (intelligent) conservative/moral absolutist viewpoint in the arguments :stuck_out_tongue: Other than that, you just make me feel like a loser for still being a single undergrad :P(haha, j/k :wink:


Good luck finding a job.

Congrats and good job hunting.

good to hear from ya Merlin… I know the job market is tough right now no matter where, but at least you’ve got a girl to support you. I’ve been married over a year now so I know how things can be if you’re unemployed.

good luck to ya.

Misery in Missouri!, headlines shall read when that grand piano drops.

Wow, that’s pretty cool. Good luck with all your endeavours.


See, I used italics and font size to emphasize my excitement.

Good to hear from you - I’m very happy for you!
Congratulations! :smiley:

omg I might be an absolutist, but by no means do I think I’m conservative, at least not for a long time now.

thanks for the well wishes everyone, maybe I’ll rethink where to spend most of my free energies after the new year.

Well done, sir.

You’re a liberal moral absolutist? Wow- you’re like the second one I’ve ever heard of besides me. I guess thinking back on your arguments, it makes sense. Moral relativism is all too common and all too fallacious.

Also, congratulations on both law school AND getting married! It looks like you’re being set up for a successful life! If you don’t mind me asking, what aspect of the law were you studying? I’m thinking of going to law school, but I’m not certain if it would be right for me- I’m most interested in constitutional law.

Nice Merl, keep it up! Find a job ya wanker!

Congratulations(for both the marriage and graduating)!
Good luck with job hunting and wedding planning.

If I was still in the area come October, I’d insist on a wedding invitation. =p