LEROYYYYY!!!!!! (for WoW fans)

I don’t know how many of you have seen this already, but it’s hilarious.


give it till about 1:20

I’ve heard rumors that this was staged, but it’s still funny.

Hahaha, I like it.

It was. One of the big redflags was how the guy named off some retarded percentage of a survival chance.

“Can we get a number crunch real quick?” thats dumb.

also, the fact that they point out Leeroy and say “I think he needs it, hes a paladin isnt he?” when there are like 3 other paladins in the raid if you look for them.

Funny, yes. But indeed staged.

Edit - Oh yeah, and any serious raid group would have saw what he did and said “Fuck you Leeroy, you get to die now” and let him go down without risking the whole raid.

He’s pretty big to make it to Wikipedia.

It was. One of the big redflags was how the guy named off some retarded percentage of a survival chance.

“Can we get a number crunch real quick?” thats dumb.
Yeah but that’s also a hilarious part of the video, as if they could actually calculate their chances.

Why would they have recorded this event unless they were setting it up to happen?

I love the last line,

“leeroy you are just stupid”
“least I aren’t chicken,”

This makes me happy if only because it happened to the alliance.

There is also a Mortal Kombat techno remix of this: http://pages.prodigy.net/lordt6/leeroy_techomix.MP3

It’s hilarious, even tho it’s staged. Are there other silly stunts like this from WoW or other MMORPGs ? The number crunch part is comedy gold :stuck_out_tongue:


Theres a few that are really friggin good. Some are serious and some are funny, and theres a bunch that just suck balls… But yeah, check them out.

http://www.ewarcraft.com/ has some good ones too

Care to point me the ones that are really worth it ? I can’t and won’t spend my entire day downloading :stuck_out_tongue:

“Medieval Man”
This is my personal faveorite cause Im a big “Warcraft: Orcs and Humans” fan.

Any other of the ones from Windspire (the guy who did Medieval Man)

And another one is kinda like the Leeroy Jenkins one, called “Fuck Onyxia”…
This one is funny to me cause its legit.