Legend of Mana Special Techniques.

I just can’t remember how the techs work. Raging Pain is the Extreme Damage 2hSword tech and it requires flip kick, taunt, jump and evade. What’s the mechanism behind learning special techniques?

I was always confused by this. The tutorial tells you to use the required techniques enough and that should do it, but there were situations in which I would get stuck for a long while with no results, and the would suddenly learn the skill after switching techs for a second. I also noticed that once I mastered a few weapons, it was easier and easier to learn the other skills.

This gave me an idea of how it might work. I have no evidence to support this and I’d appreciate if anyone could correct me: I think there’s some kind of invisible counter for each tech that accumulates points every time you use them, and spends them in learning Special Techniques whenever you accumulate enough in all the required fields. I’m basing this on the fact that, once I mastered the Spear and two other weapons, I started learning each weapon’s cheaper techniques very quickly (One per battle, almost) and experienced a minor delay with the higher level ones. It could also require a certain number of battles fought with that weapon, or include a randomness factor (I don’t believe that last one though, there was a fixed amount of time in between learning techniques for me).

Either way, just switch between using Flip, Kick, Taunt, Jump and Evade and you’ll eventually get it. And I’d suggest to drop the 2HSword and get a Spear: Much faster and precise ranged attack at the cost of a bit of attack power.

I was thinking along those lines as well. Your example really confirms it though. You definetly may be right.

As for the spear, its a slower than I’d like and the range doesn’t make much of a difference. I don’t particularly care as long as the result is clear: absolute destructive power.

I’m more for fast, precise and continuous blows, and Blue Dragon was more than devastating enough. But I’ll admit that 2HSword is probably the second best weapon for me.

Last I checked, that was what a bow and way too much time on your hands was for. A spear is likely to be a better bet than a 2h for putting stuff on, due to 2hs having even amounts on the 3 internal stats for attack power.

Bow? How come? I mastered it for fun and I thought it was the most useless weapon next to fists.

By the way, does anyone actually bother to forge stuff? Because by the time I got a Rimar Spear with the spear-specific tarot cards, I could already obliterate anything bare handed. That’s why I never bothered getting the strongest metal or twinking the golem (Hugs Dragon).

The bow can be forged and tempered in an absolutely absurd manner for 999 atk power.

You can temper anything for obcene amounts of attack power if you have enough resources.

In other words, time to waste.

I seem to recall that actually using the skills isn’t important, but that playing battles with those skills equipped was. I think I learned at least a few techs after battle without using any skills at all.

I personally prefered 1h swords, mostly because it was quicker than 2h and so easy to exploit with special combos (I.e. anything other than mashing X button)/knockbacks, being able to stunlock anything and basically control the field was nice, even at a cost of some power. But 2h sword works great for those moments where you want to open up a can of whoopass.