Learning's for terr'ists!

Good answer

The way I see it, at least in public schools: We have a seperation of church and state, and public schools are funded by the government and public funds. Hense they shouldn’t be teaching anything g-d related.

But what about that there pledge of alegience. “One nation, under god, indivisible…” While i hold pagan ideals, i don’t think we should change our pledge just to please a few whiners.

Me either really. Thats just another sign of the ACLU getting out of control. Even us liberals have our fanatics. I always said the pledge like a robot, I really don’t care what words I’m speaking. Its all propaganda anyway.

I grew up saying it like a robot every day before school. It wasn’t really untill i got older did i understand what it really ment. When it comes to that, the words arent important, just the spirit(or mind-set if you will) that it is spoken. “and to the republic for which it stands” is the most important part of it, in my opinion.

Well, the “under god” part was added in the 50’s during Joseph McCarthy’s purging of all communism in America. It was really just addedd to affirm your belief in this country over Russia, since Communism endorses athiesm. It served no real purpose except a political one and really shouldn’t even be there in the first place.

Yes, Sorc, wonderful idea. Let’s teach things with no evidence alongside things with evidence and treat them as equals. There’s no evidence that the moon is filled with candy, but it’s an alternative geological theory, so it should be taught as an alternative! No one really knows what the moon, or even the earth is made of, no one has ever been deep inside there!

I think it’s made of shit, cause we’re on top, and shit floats.
Maybe if they treated them like theories. Say “this is the theory behind evolution” or “this is the theory behind creation.” I remember my science teacher sometimes went out of his way to mention they were theories. In the end though, what this thread was about was greed, not any desire to change something considers evil. If you want to combat a “social evil”, you dont sue for money, you petition and march. I say the same thing about the people who press charges against michael jackson with accusations of molestation and fondoling. If they were in it for justice, they wouldnt settle out of court.

So far, most if not all of my science teachers already teach these things as though they are theories, some going out of their way to point out that theories are just that, and that they were meant to be met with skepticism. Have you met some that don’t?

THANK YOU JEB!!! It’s bad enough he’s stamping out Bright Futures, but now this?