Kyutest Avatar Contest!

I vote for my avatar, because the Pipboy rocks the house.

Aww, is my FUCKING FACE not cute enough for anyone? ;_;

Nyarg, I vote for meself.

Nah, Your avvy’s just plain sexy, not really cute.

so is yours rud, I just want to have sex with your head!

It’s a toss up between, Eden’s old one, and Jing’s current one. I know I’ll flip a coin… Heads Eden wins, Tails Jing wins.

flips coin
TAILS! Jing’s is the Kyutest!

: This one. Oh, wait, you said cute and not crazy looking. Who cares about cute? Avatars should be crazy looking. nod, nod

Anyway, as a fan of Draic-Kins (Dragons), I’m going to vote for Rast.

Originally posted by SweetCookiePie
[b]You people have no respect for nazi wo(men)

Nps Ngs. [/b]

Yeah, I do. Malice Mizer is a pretty good band.

Secksaness: Charl
Cute: Jing
Roxxor: raises hand Hail Il Palazzo!!

Originally posted by Nulani
: This one. Oh, wait, you said cute and not crazy looking. Who cares about cute? Avatars should be crazy looking. nod, nod

Meh, I think your avatar is kind of cute:yipee:

I automatically lose this, since ea previus tpic sent everyone here to sign a petition to bn me because they don’t like my avatar, I think mine is cute, but that’s because I drew it. avatar should not be judged because they are how you picture your digital self, nothing less, nothing more.

I vote for mine, It’s so cute/seckzay/r0xx0ring you can’t even see it.

You people have such a narrow view of cute :stuck_out_tongue:

My old one which I just changed (I have a periodical changing thing, like what women have, only with less blood) was cute. Atleast, I think so >.> lavs top hats


I take it back, Eden’s is the kawaiiest! ^^

Eden’s angel-Fuu avatar. Sorry, Jing, you’re in second. That Fuu pic is unbeatable.

superduperhuggles kero ^^

I vote for Val. I still wuv this picture.