I vote for Gila’s avatar- for the weeks it has been up, it has given me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, much like the feeling one gets when they have ingested poison. ^________^
I lose ^^
Yeah, I can see the appeal in a dead rabbit. If you’re a necrophiliac.:ah-ha!:
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> The Fetus of God. Totally.
votes for Steve
My avatar so fucking owns
votes for Cala
votes for DT
Actually, her old avvie was better.
goes back in time to earlier 2003, votes again
Anything Eden has ever used.
/me votes for himself
But your rabbit is ALIVE, Drak… where is the cuteness in THAT?
Originally posted by Epicgamer
Anything Eden has ever used.
Amen, brudda.
agrees with Epic and Val
Actually, in all seriousness… maybe Jing’s avatar is the cutest.
EDIT: But in non-seriousness, I’m afraid that I’m going to have to stick with the dead bunny.
Probably Jing’s.
All biased opinions aside, Zero’s is pretty cute. Chibi Zero eating an elf and looking all pleased with himself. Eden’s is a close second, though!
Originally posted by Faetan
All biased opinions aside, Zero’s is pretty cute. Chibi Zero eating an elf and looking all pleased with himself. Eden’s is a close second, though!
I thought he was eating a butterfly.
Charle’s. I can’t believe there’s even a potential debate about this. How can you withstand Charle’s awesomeness?
Aw… Cala voted for mine ^^
I’ll just vote for mine, what the hell.