Konami attempts to kill fat nerds


DDR, using a mat, the wiimote, and the nunchuk.

Jesus fucking christ.

Now all they need is a head gear peripheral, and DDR will finally make the transition into being 1000% retarded.

Sweet! :smiley:

Best thread title!

I would have watched the video, but they did that really freaking retarded “require that you watch a commercial first” thing, and it was for PS3.

hahahaha oh my fucking god
in fucking DDR
jesus christ hinder sucks

I have enough trouble playing DDR without having to worry about what anything but my feet are doing thank you.

Also, I just watched the video, was that some Japanese guy trying to sing Lips of an Angel? o.0

Sweet Jesus Yes, You’re Right!

zomg YES!!!111


Hmmm…as long as the wiimote function is optional (like with the ps2 and using the camera) and the core can still be played with feet only, it’s just a nice addition for more serious fans. I like the idea of the sync play myself. “YOU IDIOT YOU MISSED IT!”

As of 04/02/2007 (dd/mm/yyyy) Konami rules the Video Games Forum. Thank you for your cooperation.

I don’t even know where to begin…This makes me hate the Wii even more. Mainly because of the whole factor that this is a sport-like game and my basic theory on all sport games and sport-like games is that “If I wanted to play (Insert Name of Sport Here), I would go outside and play it. Instead of sitting here and playing (Insert Name of Sport Here) on my (Insert Name of Console Here)”. All of that could also be used somewhat like this, “If I wanted to dance I would go outside and dance instead of playing DDR on my Wii” but that doesnt really work out right i.e who goes outside just to dance?.Then I think of LoZ and I dont hate it anymore. But it also makes me hate Konami too. Who was the jackass that thought of using all three peripherals? Some random guy off the streets who was probably named Steven, but his name was spelled Stephen, and when you accidentaly call him Stephen as Steffen he gets all bitchy at you. Man I hate that guy…

I should totaly make a Mad Lib game out of that whole sport theory thing.

All you’ve done here so far is shit over Wii threads and RP. If you don’t manage to convince me you’re worth keeping around soon, you won’t be.

It’s not much of a threat. I googled for sites like this one and it seemed the most appealing. The truth is I came here at 2:00 AM because I was way too bored to do anything else and way too hyper to sleep. If you’re lookin to kick me out of here I dont really care. I hardly ever visit this place and in truth its not as great as I thought it was. Hardly anything to do around here except for complain and RP. Least thats the most I’ve seen any of you do.

Excellent, now that that’s settled, back to Konami being cocks.

Screw DDR, this brings up a much more interesting idea. Samba De Amigo on Wii anyone? :slight_smile:

ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha ahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahha ahahhahaha
hinder ahahahahahaha