and swallows MegamanX2K
He gains a splendid golden helmet, a brand new Ragnarok Buster, and a endless supplies of nukes to go with it. Ai! ^^
More to come
and swallows MegamanX2K
He gains a splendid golden helmet, a brand new Ragnarok Buster, and a endless supplies of nukes to go with it. Ai! ^^
More to come
Do me, do me!
Sprites for ripping off stuff would be here.
I wish I had thought of it…
Dude, I would so totally make a kickass Kirby boss. I’d throw lots of moogles that would then get up and start attacking. So maybe he should have a moogle costume…
I wanna see Kirby eat a Sinistar. … Come to think of it, if Sinistar eats Kirby, will he gain his power?
Do me. I don’t know where my sprite sheet is, though.
Edit: Found it
Edit2: it looks really shitty
Yeah Steve. Even if I wanted to do you, your sprites lack some … originality. I can’t find anything special to make as a hat, not to mention what would be the power. so bleh =P
Many people here, thought, would make great kirby hats. Like, a purple helmet with shades for 984, a yellow raincoat for Lunaris, or a spear for Val. Those hats would be rather obvious and fun to make =P
shake fist
…and swallows Epicgamer, gaining his little black hat and a green hair fig.
Not only that, he also gain the ability to lobs fireballs, or if he holds his attack button, sends a large beam of darkness toward.
Kirby also swallows another RPGC wizard, Booken (Myself, duh =P)
He turn black, his eyes goes white, and sports a nice blue wizard hat.
His special power would be throwing foward large balls with 3 splitted sides. One side would be a Fire, the other Plasma (Electric), and the last one some magical Ice. The effects depends on which side hits, and the size of the ball depends on how long he holds the attack button. The said ball keep bouncing after hitting, and stays for 5 seconds.
Originally posted by Booken
[b]Yeah Steve. Even if I wanted to do you, your sprites lack some … originality. I can’t find anything special to make as a HAT, not to mention what would be the power. so bleh =PMany people here, thought, would make great kirby HATS. Like, a purple helmet with shades for 984, a yellow raincoat for Lunaris, or a spear for Val. Those HATS would be rather obvious and fun to make =P [/b]
cough cough cough
Ooh, swallow Zhou Yu now!
Yea…wait, what?!?
I got Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland today and it ROCKS. The air-grind minigame is easily the best minigame on it.
Wrong. Meta Knightmare is. Pass Extra on 100% and go see for yourself =P
Edit : Kirby swallows ClothHat. He turns into shades of grey, and sports the clothhat. Now, is it Kirby who control Clothhat’s power, or Clothhat who controls Kirby? Anyway, Kirby can pull out a machine gun and fires foward when he wants to with this brand new power.
This screen is all blurry and colors are wrong, making the sprites a pain. I’ll probably remake them later this week
Oh no: It’s the invinsible purple ball.
This kicks ass.
Random note: Kirby Superstar = R0XX0R.
The cloth hat one looks the coolest.
This kirby thing looks like an original idea, but it’s probably been done before… just not here.
Yeah, I remember it being done at the C²+E³=Kirby forums, when the comics where still starting out (about at 40 or so). I hanged there a few weeks and Pishi had fun making many Kirby sprites.
Does ClothHat Kirby kill Ackbar Kirby?
Kirby wouldn’t get near Ackbar for a mile around
2 new Kirbys
Kirby swallows poor Weiila and transform into Angel Kirby. 2 beautiful wings sprouts from his back and his floating ability is changed into limitless flying, without need to puff out balls of air. This means he still can inhales and exhales enemies, and maybe create cool combos!
Also, Kirby went straight for Megaman984 and swallowed him too… gaining a cool helmet… and some kind of… power… more defense, maybe?
Originally posted by Booken
and maybe create cool combos
That would be wayyyyyyy too cheap. The flying is okay, but if Kirby swallowed something else, he’d have to lose the wings. Either that or you could make it a wing buffet attack.