Kingdom Hearts: Inverted Hearts

The Link

Summon Goliath
Guardia as a world
FF6 characters
Young Cid on a motorcycle
Shadow as one of many playable characters

I can only hope they won’t get a C&D letter and we’ll see something cool come from this. :expressionless:

Oh. My. God.

There is so much about this I want to go whoo about, I can’t decide what to start with.

Yeah, I had heard of this before. Let’s just hope they can actually finish it this time.


That looks really frickin’ cool. Let’s hope they don’t go the way of the CT remake.
It is kind of a shame that they won’t get any KH2 story elements in, but eh. ^^;

Gah! The link won’t work for me. D:
And I really thought that sounded really interesting too. (If anyone mentions FF6 I will think it sounds interesting, but still. :P)

Honestly? I think that there’s no chance that it WON’T get a C&D order. I can only hope we get some neat stuff out of it before they close shop.

… Guardia…? Chrono Trigger…? CHRONO TRIGGER?!

Somebody knows a good idea ^___^

Oh God I hope neither SE nor Disney hears of this

Haha, I posted about this in the chat before i saw this thread. >.>
Yeah, it looks really awesome, I hope it doesn’t get shut down. :smiley:

any thing is easy when you are level 100 with the ultima weapon

Goliath as a summon!

backflips several time in joy

To bad its not a real part of the series.

My thoughts exactly. A pity though. This looks promising, and I wish CT and FF6 had the attention they deserve.

Or that they didn’t have any from the law departments.