Kill Bill Volume 1, The Review

Originally posted by Cybercompost
Star Wars is a complete and utter ripoff of old samurai movies, but nobody seems to complain… :stuck_out_tongue:

Aye lucas has specifically mentioned Akira Kurosawa’s “The Hidden Fortress” and “Yojimbo” as his main influences for the original Trilogy.

So? Come on, look at the similarities between Kill Bill and Charlies Angels, then compare them to the similiarties between old samurai movies and the original Star Wars trilogy.

You can do that with a lot of movies.

You ever seen The Hidden Fortress or Yojimbo? There are numerous elements of both movies that are easily noticible in Star Wars. As well as quite a few other movies.

Im not saying Star Wars isnt awsome, I am a HUGE star wars fan. I am just saying it was not as orignal as people think =)

Originally posted by Sorcerer
I must be the only person on the face of the planet that thinks this movie looks like total shit.

no, you’re simply the only person on the face of the planet stupid and ignorant enough to judge a tarantino movie based on a trailer.

Just watched.

Amazing. Simply Amazing.


Originally posted by Sorcerer
So? Come on, look at the similarities between Kill Bill and Charlies Angels, then compare them to the similiarties between old samurai movies and the original Star Wars trilogy.

Well, the entire PLOT of Star Wars was ripped from several samurai films, almost plagiarized… so I don’t think your point is valid at all…

EDIT: Well, Locke, I wouldn’t say that he is stupid OR ignorant. The trailer is shitty, and since trailers are meant to get people to see them… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, the entire point of a trailor is for people to judge the movie. The only person here being stupid is you, for not understanding the blatantly obvious point of a teaser trailer.

And how is the plot of Star Wars almost completly ripped of Samurai movies? I’ve never heard this before; what movies, and what concepts?

Originally posted by Sorcerer
[b]Yea, the entire point of a trailor is for people to judge the movie. The only person here being stupid is you, for not understanding the blatantly obvious point of a teaser trailer.

And how is the plot of Star Wars almost completly ripped of Samurai movies? I’ve never heard this before; what movies, and what concepts? [/b]

The main plot comes from Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress. You can find the rest here:

A lot of the things listed on that website could also be attributed to a number of other films - it doesn’t really mean much of anything at all. If you take what that site says and turn it around, a great number of other movies do the exact same thing.

I’d also like to say a few things about that site aren’t even accurate. I don’t know much about the “Uncanny Resemblence To” parts, but a number of the Star War’s elements have been bent in a mild way to make it move more to his point(specifically the part about the Hidden Fortress), which I guess is ok, but it shows a bit of a bias in the author.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
Yea, the entire point of a trailor is for people to judge the movie. The only person here being stupid is you, for not understanding the blatantly obvious point of a teaser trailer.

No trailer could do a Tarantino movie justice, especially considering the trailer is suitable for all audiences. If you had ever seen a Tarantino movie, you would know this. Actually, I take that back…based on your comments, I’m giving you way too much credit. Anyhow, there’s not much point in discussing your thoughts about a movie - in a thread about a movie - because you didn’t like the trailer. Only stupidity would compel some idiot to make such a jackass out of himself. Why don’t you just go ahead and start a new thread discussing movie trailers? It would be a more appropriate home for your mindless comments, as opposed to inserting them into a thread where people are discussing their opinions of a movie they took the time out to see.

For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have watched this movie based on the trailer. I saw it only because Tarantino directed it. But I also wouldn’t troll a thread about a movie, and compare it to other goofball films, based on a 60 second trailer I saw. That would simply illustrate my ignorance, among plenty of other negative things.

You’ve already spent a half hour discussing the trailer here and in chat…why don’t you just go ahead and see it? Then maybe your words will have some merit, and be more than ridiculous comments written by some clueless troll who has no clue what he’s talking about. “Kill Bill = Charlie’s Angles ripoff”…unbelievable…you probably won’t see it, as you seem content to make a fool out of yourself, thinking you’re “bad ass” because of your nonconformist attitude (which stands out like a sore thumb based on your “am i the only one on the planet” comment).

eh…I’m wasting my time trying to talk sense to someone as shallow as you. Carry on with your gibberish.

Sorc, that’s basically the same reason HADES didn’t like Kingdom Hearts. But then again, it’s not like I’m comparing this arguement to anything Hades has ever done…

Originally posted by Amerycinsycho
I saw the movie last friday. I have to say there’s just a bit of the ol’ ultraviolence.

Just for that reference, I want to carry your child.

So? Not playing Kingdom Hearts because it has Disney Characters is a valid reason. I think that having the disney characters as your team mates gavet he development team a lot less freedom with character development because the characters used are already very well established in their movies. To change that would be to resort to a sort of fanfic-ish nonsensical persona that isn’t really the character at all, which would remove the entire point of having them there in the first place - this is actually one of my main issues with Kingdom Hearts as a whole.

And why shouldn’t I be discussing my thoughts about a movie, in a topic about discussing thoughts on a movie? You still aren’t being very bright about this. The thread isn’t about sucking Tarentino’s dick, it’s about discussing Kill Bill, which I did, and then you got all defensive like a fanboy. You call my comments mindless, how are they mindless? They are based exactly on what the producer, the director, the actors, everybody involved with the making of the movie wanted me to base them on - the trailor. Gibberish? Please, I’m making a bit more sense than you are.

Not seeing a movie will hardly make me a fool, and you obviously don’t know shit about me if you think I’m shallow, which is easy seeing as how the is the internet.

…Does it have more blood than Berserk?

(That’d be a miraculous feat, btw)

And once again, European audiences have to wait for a bit -_-;

Originally posted by Mabatsekker
…Does it have more blood than Berserk?

Not exactly sure, but I’m pretty sure (seeing as the blood effects are based off of anime)

Originally posted by Sorcerer
[b]So? Not playing Kingdom Hearts because it has Disney Characters is a valid reason. I think that having the disney characters as your team mates gavet he development team a lot less freedom with character development because the characters used are already very well established in their movies. To change that would be to resort to a sort of fanfic-ish nonsensical persona that isn’t really the character at all, which would remove the entire point of having them there in the first place - this is actually one of my main issues with Kingdom Hearts as a whole.

And why shouldn’t I be discussing my thoughts about a movie, in a topic about discussing thoughts on a movie? You still aren’t being very bright about this. The thread isn’t about sucking Tarentino’s dick, it’s about discussing Kill Bill, which I did, and then you got all defensive like a fanboy. You call my comments mindless, how are they mindless? They are based exactly on what the producer, the director, the actors, everybody involved with the making of the movie wanted me to base them on - the trailor. Gibberish? Please, I’m making a bit more sense than you are.

Not seeing a movie will hardly make me a fool, and you obviously don’t know shit about me if you think I’m shallow, which is easy seeing as how the is the internet. [/b]

Yo dude, seriously though, it’s really dumb to assume you know more about a movie from seeing the trailer, than someone else does from actually seeing the movie. I mean, you should see that logic, right? You’re allowed to have your own opinion of the trailer, that’s cool and all. But all I’m saying is that, MAYBE the people who actually saw the movie know a little bit more about it than you do, and you might do well to like, actually listen to what they say about it rather than just blast it and assume you know what you’re talking about more than they do (since they’ve like, seen it, and you haven’t).

As for your actual comments…yeah, it does seem like a Charlie’s Angels ripoff. But it’s put together so much more powerfully than ANY other action movie produced presently; the combination of the music, the camerawork, the script (which is a bit overdone, but to a badass effect, not a lame effect - that’s how I viewed it anyways, after seeing the movie). It’s powerful in the way that an action movie OUGHT to be, rather than sucky, overdone, plotless, the way most modern action movies are. It has a simple plot, but it’s believable and powerful in its simplicity. Cuts like a knife.

-Mazrim Taim

See, the thing is, I never assumed that I knew more about the movie than anyone else - rather I have mantained this entire time that everything I know is based on the trailer. People seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

… but what do you think about this commentary article?

I’m still pondering going to see it - probably it’ll be a rental though.

That is another way to view it.
I’m not gonna dispute the fact that, yes, it is EXTREMELY violent.
The guy did get something wrong with it though. She never actually had sex with the pedophile. She killed him before the act. You can tell because her clothing is still on. If someone misconstrued this, they may like the movie less than they already did.