Breath of Fire series is mostly mediocre…
Breath of Fire 1 had virtually no redeeming qualities about it, except for its graphics.
Breath of Fire 2 was sort of the same to me. It was cool that they sort of tackled religion in the story, since that wasn’t seen much at the time, but I think it was an agonizing game to play. I couldn’t finish it.
Breath of Fire 3, well, it’s hit-or-miss. You’re either gonna love it to pieces, or hate it, usually. I’m one of them that loves it all to pieces It’s not exactly an AMAZING game, but it has its own really nice charm to it.
Breath of Fire 4 was a sort of step back from 3. The music was worse, the graphics were worse, and the gameplay was far more ridiculous. The game was easy and tedious, too. I particularly disliked it.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a good game, if you prefer the gameplay aspect of RPGs. While the story isn’t bad, and certainly wasn’t poorly written, it really isn’t all that spectacular. The combat engine, the music, graphics, and the overall feel of the game is great - the fighting is probly the best I’ve ever seen in any RPG ever, and the game really captures the mood it’s trying to portray. It’s a very advanced game, and it’s lightyears ahead of the other Breath of Fire games.
So, I would say, play 3, and play Dragon Quarter. YOu’ve alerady tried 1&2, I personally think 4 is not worth your time.