Just a question for Spoony

In the comic, you mentionned an egg made from the crystals from the netforces…

If this will never happen in the script (I.E Ego surviving… I surely hope so T_T;:wink:
Care telling us what this egg would do? >_>;;

Duh, it would make the Ultimate AI thing, like he said.

Welcome to the Matrix, SpoonyBard.

It would do what eggs are meant to do: Hatch.

It could of course be eaten, but very few beings would eat an egg made out of crystal. It would be a bit hard on the stomach.

I assume this Ultimate AI would do what all Ultimate AIs do: Exterminate humanity. Then it would meet up with Skynet and HAL for poker night.

Don’t forget Shodan, and Mother from Alien, and Mother Brain, and Mother Brain, and Mother Brain.

Don’t forget me!

Right, you too, Mother Brain … but not Mother Brain, she isn’t an AI, she’s just a brain in a jar.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/subsites/twistedrpg/images/hero/rirse.gif”> Don’t forget FATE from Chrono Cross. It another super computer gone bad. Even so it is just Robo and Mother Brain from Chrono Trigger merged together along with Lynx.