Jackson drinks "Jesus Juice"


Why would a billoinarie like him drink fine wine from a soda can?

Originally posted by Devillion
Why would a billoinarie like him drink fine wine from a soda can?

So people would not know he was drinking. I believe that was explicitly stated in the article. Also, so he could get the kiddies to drink it.

But anyway, I’m tired of hearing of this guy. He’ll be put on trial. He’ll be sentenced either guilty or not guilty. Then boom. Whatever will be will be. I don’t care. If he’s guilty, I hope he goes to jail. But I still don’t want to hear about it. There are much more important things like… say… our leaders sending people to die. I think thats a tad more important.

Originally posted by Cybercompost
So people would not know he was drinking. I believe that was explicitly stated in the article. Also, so he could get the kiddies to drink it.

Aye - read the article =)

Yeah i personally dont care about Jackson one way or the other, but this was just too crazy to pass up heh.

Jesus juice, that is a pretty freaky thing to call it. I’m glad I don’t drink white wine.

I wish they would just shut up about Michael Jackson, we all know by now that he has been accused with child molestation and is being investigated. Let them investigate, put him on trial, and tell us the verdict. I doubt the lot of us are interested in the methods people say he has used. I’m certainly not. I’m not even interested in how he did them. So let it rest and write about something important, like the dangers of aids and other sexually transmittable diseases.

I second that Nulani

It’s because some parts of society are so fascinated with the bizarre lives of celebrities. That’s why Access Hollywood and ETalk Daily are still on the air (unfortunately)

And Wacko Jacko is sooooo not a billionaire. Did you ever see the documentary on how he spends? Good gracious. Plus with all the trials and paying-offs I bet he’s bordering on debt or way into it (another little tidbit about MJ that’s been around for years yawn

I believe that man is twisted, and severely mentally damaged, (the article adds to that even more) from being harassed by the media all his life, but I also believe that the kid is giving him a good run for his money based on exagerating and a whole lot of shit.

I third Nulani.

The CNN-MSN-NBC is good at running one story into the ground while completely ignoring the fact that other more important crap is going on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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