Not…i hate this time of year…its the time of year all the colledge kids move back/come into the colledge i live near…
Now, before all the people in college beat me to death, let me say, you guys are cool…some of you are not, however…
The first night they move back in, one of them lights a fire in a barrel in the middle of the street, and all of his buddies come out with boomboxes and shit, and start having a party-IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET! than, after the fire goes out, they light fireworks and dance around them, still IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET…than comes my favorite part, they decide they will play paintball-IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET! so all night i hear “damn!” “ouch!” and “dude i hit you! you are out!” coupled with the “pip pip pip” of the guns…
And even better is the fact that they will just pull into your driveway and park…just pull on in like they live there! sometimes they block your driveway for days!
I thought everyone in college was supposed to be mature and sophisticated…though I would’ve joined the party, like if it was friends and stuff. Though we are aware of the sleeping public around us and we try not to act like idiots (it only works some of the time).
But yes…all my hope for college people is now gone…damn. Isn’t looking too good for me.
There’s gotta be some law you could use (or exploit) to get those jerks. Like trespassing, or disturbing the peace, or something more creative. Or just key the cars of the losers who act like they own the place.
At least they didn’t set fires int her middle of people’s lawns. I swear, if someone does that to our house one more time, I’m gonna go on a killing spree. And TD’s gonna be my first victim, damn the expense!
I’ve been to about three college partys now. The first one was good because they had a band originally from our marching band there and they were r0x0rz.
Other than that, the rest of it and the other two were all that is ass.
I’ve been to about three college partys now. The first one was good because they had a band originally from our marching band there and they were r0x0rz.
Other than that, the rest of it and the other two were all that is ass.
Especially the last “Woodwinds Mixer”, where all the woodwinds meet for a party. I was expecting some certain flute players to show up but only their drunk-ass section leader and everyone else who were NOT woodwinds showed up. Fuckas…
So bah to college society.:thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: