One thing that I like to say when I’m convincing my friends to play SaGa Frontier is “It has something for everyone.”
I know that lots of people don’t really pay attention to Shoujo genres vs. Shounen genres when they’re looking at games and manga, but I ask you this:
Is SaGa Frontier Shoujo or Shounen?
This List May Contain Spoilers :hyperven:
Some “Shoujo” Qualities and the quests they’re in-
Bishounen (Pretty Much All Quests)
Beatiful- Yet Masculine- Heroine (Asellus)
Hinted Shoujo-ai and Shounen-ai (Asellus)
Love Triangles (Asellus and a bit of Lute’s quest [the backstory])
Girl Teams (Emelia)
Cute Fuzzy Animals (Riki)
Some “Shounen” Qualities and the quests they’re in-
Mecha (Lute and T260G)
Sentai Fighters (Red)
POWERFUL Mega-Attacks (DSC…)
Demons (Blue)
Bishoujo (Emelia, Asellus)
I-Wanna-Take-Over-The-World (Lute)
Evil Corrupting Powers (Riki)
I personally think that it’s mostly shoujo… :thud: But who knows? It could be both! Or something different all together…