Get mIRC, don’t listen to the heathens and their devil spawned X-Chat. The java client is a pain in the butt anyway.
And damn, your name is Grom? You’re a fucking caveman! You need an uneccesary long description after your name as a title like: “Grom: who brushes with the thighbone of his foes” or “Grom: Who never takes the trash out”.
Originally posted by ClothHat
[b]Get mIRC, don’t listen to the heathens and their devil spawned X-Chat. The java client is a pain in the butt anyway.
And damn, your name is Grom? You’re a fucking caveman! You need an uneccesary long description after your name as a title like: “Grom: who brushes with the thighbone of his foes” or “Grom: Who never takes the trash out”. [/b]
Thanx for the insult, but I’ll just stick to Grom, is this how u greet all your new arrivals ?
It was a compliment, I thought rnick was funny and suggested some additions to it I also thought would be amusing. A bit of a play on the way cavemen and barbarians tend to be named in sentences (Lothar of the hill people), and yes this is how I tend to greet new arrivals, I prefer a light joking atmosphere that hopefully makes them feel drawn in and already feel part of the group. Take it easy, yeesh.
<wasted> fuck
<wasted> lol
<wasted> apperantly transparancy can go 100%
<wasted> invisible
<wasted> i have a window somewhere. in my screen.
<wasted> god knows where ;
<sc0tt> LOL