Hello all,
Seems this is the only forum I can post in right now (its the only one without a “lock” on it), so I’ll introduce myself here (also seems I actually joined almost 2 years ago but couldn’t figure that out). I guess I have to earn a reputation first before I can post in any other forums?
I started gaming when I was around 12 (25 years ago). Played the Sierra adventure games (Space Quest, King’s Quest, etc). Then I got into the Might & Magic series. Playing was so much different back then, you couldn’t just look up a FAQ on the internet if you were stuck…you had to buy a hint book, and before that, you had to call their TOLL phone number & talk to a live person.
So anyway, that was when I did the bulk of my gaming, in my teens. And over the last few years, I got nostalgiac sometimes & wanted to play the old Might & Magic games, and this has been my primary source for help with them…the RPGC Shrines. So I thank you for that.
I’m just starting M&M 1 for the first time since…probably since I played it the first time over 20 years ago. I was a little surprised to see no one has fully shrined it yet, so I’d like to offer my assistance in some way. Maybe just start with maps for instance, showing hidden doors & fixed encounters.
Also (I realize I’m starting to put alot of different stuff in here, but what the heck, why break it into multiple posts when I can only post in one forum right now anyway??), I found a bunch of dead links…
http://alexandria.rpgclassics.com/legalities.shtml(the link to Cornell is broken)
http://alexandria.rpgclassics.com/game.php?game=372(the “Like this game? Why not shrine it?” link is broken)
…and actually, now that I look at it, on the left side of the navigation, the “Join RPGC” link is also broken.
I certainly haven’t scoured all over your site with the sole purpose of finding broken links, but I did find them in my perusal.
Dave Barton
P.S. And in having 2 e-mails returned to me, I’ve also discovered that the “Contact the DB Team!” links are also broken, in that they link to an e-mail address that is no longer functioning (dbteam@rpgclassics.com and staff@rpgclassics.com). Seriously, I’m not trying to pick on your site for the broken links. I don’t know where I’d have been in the Might & Magic series without your shrines…I just want to point out where some of those broken links are.