In god I trust.

All religions require faith. All offer an answer to or explanation of life, which is a coping mechanism to deal with our mortality, and which is why religion exists in the first place. Religious leaders can easily exploit the faith which they define for gain.

Sagan said it best: “It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

Now that I disagree with wholeheartedly. I’ve always envied those with faith

What do you get for understanding things? Nothing

I tend to view religion as more of The Layman’s Guide to the Universe rather than anything else. Unfortunately most religions tend to come prebuilt with a podium for assholes to use every so often to ruin somebody’s day with.

For starters, a rational population would eliminate global problems such as religious wars. On a personal level, understanding empowers you to draw your own conclusions about your life and how you want to live it, without the fear and control imposed by a religious authority.


Like who invited sheldon to my thread.

Anyway, I went to a church with my friend a few days ago. Shit was totally strange. Nothing like middle school. Lot’s of grandparents there, and lots of grand parent decor. I don’t think I’ll be going to another church of traditional belief. Maybe I can find one that worships sex? Now that I think about it, you can imagine everything as a church that worships something, and if you find out what it worships you can basically…nope, lost it. Anywho, not going to another church.

Those seem like easy answers. Something tells me if people didn’t use religion as an excuse to start a war, they’d cook up another reason. Conflict is going to happen regardless, and religion seems like a superficial “excuse” to fight anyways. I don’t really know, but I’m sure there that in every circumstance there are other motives. What does drawing your own conclusions about life get you? I feel like if most people wanted to do that, they would. I feel like the same idea applies to religious authority as well.

An extreme example of something that would be eliminated is suicide bombers. They blow themselves up because of the eternal rewards they believe they will receive. Like you said there will always be conflict as people struggle for power, but it would cut down on the mindless destruction factor somewhat.

Have you lived in fear of God or eternal judgment? It’s quite common, and usually begins with parents telling their kids they are going to Hell if they don’t follow their religion. A lot of people don’t get past this and never have the opportunity to think for themselves. Do you envy the faith of this person, who lives in fear and types shit like this in the comments section on news sites all day?

You are such a fool! “Here in America we are free to express our religous practices…”? Are you kidding me? Have you noticed that “they” are trying to rewrite Merry Christmas or eliminate Christ from everything? Here’s a thought, you leave my beliefs alone and you do whatever it is you do for yours. If you don’t believe in Jesus or Allah or Yaweh or whatever name God goes by that’s fine. But don’t try to stop me from believing the way I want to. Have you noticed that there is a war going on against Christianity all over the world. Christians in muslim countries are being systematically taken out. Churches are being destroyed and people are being persecuted. These things are happening right here in the United States but people like you are too stupid to understand this. Instead you want to try and use the “intellectual” approach. I hope you are prepared to kill for your way of life because if the day ever comes when you have a scimitar coming down on your head you’d better pray that someone like me will come to your rescue. People better wise up in this country. We are the last outpost to religious freedom in the world and we dare not lose the war.

A scimitar? That’s pretty cool. But seriously, what is even going on in here any more.

I just want some fucking opana and ritalin