I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

I’m used to being forced to watch Disney movies incessantly by my two cousins. Dubbed in Dutch. Terrible, terrible Dutch. Compared to that horror, this ain’t nothing.

You know, if you just cooperated, brainwashing you would be that much easier.

You haven’t got enough soap to wash my brain. Nothing’s gonna get all that dirt off.

Nah. I never wash a dirty mind. tHey’re too much fun.

I’m more thinking brainwashing as in “making you my utter slave, with no willpower at all but to do what I say.”

So much for my career as an evil genius.

You’re off to a good start if you wanna be an evil genius, actually. After all, they always announce their plans aloud, and are foiled in the end.


Well my true plan isn’t revealed, so…

At that, I have to think of my true plan. Hold on a few minutes.

I’ll repeat what I said on AIM:

I’m farking jealous, and I hate you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Macc wins.

I had no idea they actually had CDs with their music on it, wow pretty cool.