Yo all.
I know I haven’t been very active here for a while and you deserve an explanation. I don’t know why. Can be lack of sleep, can be too much sleep, can be the fact that I’ve got a ton of books to read for school, and it’s probably the fact that I don’t get out enough, but in any case, I’m just tired all the time these days. And that’s why you won’t get comments on anything anymore, the days when I read and commented on everything even the slightest are at least for the time being over. And I’m sorry.
Because of this I’ve been using invisible mode for months when running on the board; there was a period when whenever I was online and here on the agora saw that some author was online I immediately thought “Aw, shit, s/he’s waiting for comments, I’m late, I’m late, I’mlateI’mlateI’mlate!” and just got minor panicattacks. I know this isn’t true, nor what any of you want, but I couldn’t shake it off. So, I’m working on fighting down this tiredness (starting to take a daily walk is a start, I believe it’s helping) and these compulsory thoughts. So bear with me. And hey, comment on each other more, that’d make me feel tons better
I think we comment eachother plenty, but YOUR feedback means twice as much…we all know how good a writer you are, and thusly, your oppinion means the world to us.
In any case, you do whatever you need to do. Don’t worry, this place won’t go to hell the minute you stop watching. :hahaha;
Well, not TOO much…
No problem, Weiila…except that you are one of the few people that actually responds to my fics…so now I’ll have practically nobody talking to me…excuse me now, I’ve gotta cry…goes off to cry
Aww, don’t cwy Gallo. This was just my attempt to explain why I don’t rush around giving everyone a piece of love on the minute anymore.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> You can all blame me for sending her anime to occupy her time with now <_<
Transferring blame… now.
Grr. Way to go, TD. :mwahaha:
And Weilla, the most important thing right now is that you don’t explode and make a big mess on the carpet. Just get some rest and come back healthy and (relatively) sane.
Originally posted by Tenchimaru_Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> You can all blame me for sending her anime to occupy her time with now <_<
HEEEEEYYYY,… you could comment on everything with your years and years of expertise with fanfiction writing X)
I’ll second what GG said and add that I will cherish the comments I have now all the more. But really, creating artistic works is as much about making things that are enjoyable for other people as it is about doing something you love. Don’t worry too much.
It’s ok, we can wait. Though I was really looking forward to your opinion on my coursework ;_;
But if you need a break then take it, you don’t owe us anything… we owe you, so take whatever time you need.
Originally posted by Mabatsekker
HEEEEEYYYY,… you could comment on everything with your years and years of expertise with fanfiction writing X)
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Or I can sit on my ass, work on overhauling the archive AND make lewd sexual references about all your mothers.
It’s okay Weiila. Your life is more important to you at the momemnt so get it accomplished ahead of us. We can wait when you’re ready.
Hope things get less hectic.
You silly, you don’t need to apologize to anybody for having a life!
No apoligies needed. Sometimes we all gotta kick back and ignore the screaming of people who want our opinion.:mwahaha:
Originally posted by Weiila
Aww, don’t cwy Gallo. This was just my attempt to explain why I don’t rush around giving everyone a piece of love on the minute anymore.
It’s not because you need time to rest; that’s perfectly understandable. It’s just that you were practically the only one to really respond to any of my fanfic threads. Granted, the Christmas Saga and KoF got a lot of responses, but most of those degenerated into non-stop fighting. So it’s more of a hit against my morale than anything else; I mean, what’s the point of writing if nobody cares about what you’re writing?
Bonks Galloway on the head
Who says nobody cares about your stories? You think I just read them to argue with others? Cheer up, d! Your stories are among the most read in the Board!
Same to you, Weii! We all here CARE about you AS A PERSON, not just as a source of praise or story help! OF COURSE we understand what you’re going thru, especially me, who went thru a period of burnout myself not long ago. While we all love to see your comments in our threads, it’s not like we will be mad at you if you CANNOT always post!
Just take your time to deal with your Life and come back when you feel like it. We’ll miss you, but we’ll understand.
One thing, though- could you give me the data I ask for in my RPGC XMAS Story Thread so I can use you in the story? IF you feel like it.
(It would be nice if you could get StarStorm to join, too!)
Have a Merry Xmas!
Just one more thing: Are you leaving the site altogether, or just going on hiatus from commenting? You’re the best damn fanfiction maintainer we’ve ever had!
No need to apologize Weilla. Rest up and come back to bask in our insanity :hahaha; .
Thanks all, I love you too pulls everyone in a BIG grouphug That makes me feel better already.
No, I’m not leaving, I promise. They’ll have to drag me away from here kicking and screaming only to find I escaped and ran back the moment They looked away :mwahaha: I just need to cut down a bit and try to get over this soulsucking feeling of that EVERYBODY needs me AT ONCE. I know, it’s stupid and the creepy little child born from a stressy term
And yes, damn you TD for letting me sell my so… oooh, Slayers… slurpslurpslurp
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Another satisfied customer.
Originally posted by Tenchimaru_Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Another satisfied customer.
That’s what I said to YOUR MOM!!! OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!111