I'm not passing out Halloween candy this year.

Cuz you eat it all before the trick-or-treaters come. You pig.

No way, I’d only eat the candy after we turned out the lights… IF we had any left. People would bring kids by the truckload to the neighborhood since it’s a nicer one and apparently that means they’d get better candy.

No, you pretend to be putting candy IN the kids bags, but you’re putting your empty hand in their bag and taking some OUT. And then you eat it.

Halloween is not “celebrated” as it has no spiritual meaning (not to us modern people, anyway.) You celebrate Christmas, Hannuka or The Fourth of July because those dates have a personal meaning to you; Halloween is just an excuse to par-tey. Arbor Day has more meaning. :smiley:

I also hope that people will post pictures of their costumes (and those that they see and find amusing) post-Halloween. I’m still sad that no one’s dressing as Zap Brannigan. :frowning:

I celebrate it to honor the end of summer, and I wear costumes to ward off bad spirits.

No clue what I’m doing yet. School/work has pretty much kept me busy, so I haven’t planned anything. It’s sad.

All right, yeah, that’s different.

Birthdays are celebrated, as are wholly mundane, secular achievements.

At least someone’s thinking of the children.

As for me? Due to both the inhospitable weather, and busy schedules all around, I won’t be thinking of the little ankle-bitters and their precious waistlines this year (and by that I mean I’m passing out candy as always, unless I pass out first). :frowning:

As for my Cosplay for this year? I’m going out in the same costume that I’ve rocked for the past couple of years. A creepy pedophile that noone wants to be around. :booster:


I’m dressing up as a magician and taking my little brother trick or treating.

The Fourth of July is secular as well, yet precious to many Americans.

So, unless you’re a neopagan* or disguises and candy hold a REALLY big place in your heart, you’re not celebrating Halloween, you’re just enjoying it.

(*No offense meant to any neopagans reading this, I don’t even know if they have any related Autumn celebrations or not, just saying.)

Accidental Double Post. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it means that the parents feel safer trick-or-treating there, right or wrong.

Wilfredo: A party is a celebration, like it or not. I’m not even going to touch your pagan comment.

Also: today I work. Until midnight.

an excuse to par-tey.

Wink wink.

I worked from 8 am to 10 pm.

Now I’m just chilling with a few glasses of Shiraz/Cabernet Sauvignon (Red Wine)

Crotanks wins.

I went as Bruce Wayne. My school nickname was Batman for a loooong time, so I figured I’d go snazzy and tux it up. I met Clark Kent at a party. We glared at each other. Fun times.

I apparently wasn’t kidding when I said it’d either be me passing out candy or simply passing out as I slept the holiday away earlier today. D:

The lack of candy ensaddens me, but it was the lack of candy that justified my actions tonight. My waistline’s grateful for being spared one holiday’s worth of junk food this year since when I usually pass out candy I have (quite) a few on the side as well as I try to save to good stuff from the kids for later consumption.

Halloween actually does mean a lot more to me than most other holidays. It’s not really just costumes and candy, but rather a celebration of fear and, by now, one of the few occasions when one may act totally childlike.

EDIT: Also, I was wrong; I didn’t hit on any RISD girls. Instead, I worked the door at a friend’s party, then hung out with the kids who owned the house and the performers after the party was over. I walked a girl dressed as Tokahontas home, but it was entirely platonic, and she was a Brown student, besides.

What are we doing tonight, Brain?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!