I'm joining the Australian Military!

It’s the military. I’ll be involved in Duty watch and such. One of the defence recruit people is a helicopter mechanic and he was sent to Iraq for a few months and he had to stand at one of the bases gates with a gun. shrugsWe’re here to protect the country.

Depending on where he was, it was either the most boring time of his life, or (to relate for any people that actually dont know)like being in a gang war, where you dont know the enemy, and they dont mind losing 1 of theirs to 5-100 of yours. Oh and you also cant shoot first, unless they dont respond to orders or such.

well, i guess that would make sense about having a gun…still, even when i think “army clerk” i can’t conjure up an image of someone behind a desk holding an AK.

No invades Australia!