I vote sleeve.
I vote that he will reveal that he is really SpoonyBard, and that SpoonyBard has been Ego all the time. *Nod, nod.
He’s definately got some kind of plan, but if Spoony has been Ego, who’s been Spoony?
If spoony was ego, then ego would have been spoony. Duh.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Ignorance up his sleeve.
Originally posted by The Wizardmaster
If spoony was ego, then ego would have been spoony. Duh.
Spoony would have been both. *Nod, nod.
I think Ego and the Henchman type guy may have had a conversation off screen, which would explain why Ego is as confident as he is (well partially explain :p), and why the henchman has turned on his apparent master.
Now why do I have a feeling that he’s not quite dead?
Can anyone tell if there’s an extra crystal floating around since ego’s cage was smashed?
Because that would make it too easy.