I was watching 60 Minutes 2 the other day, and many IBM employees from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s were exposed to harsh chemicals that caused rare froms of cancer. What are your opinions on this, and what do you think IBM should do to pay for their crimes?
Soudns like SCO propaganda.
Meh. Anyways, I didn’t see it, so could you care to elaborate a bit?
It depends on how long ago it was. If it wasn’t that long ago, fine. But after like 20, 30 years? Taht’s a bit much.
I doubt anything will be done to punish IBM, as the same story is true for almost all non deskjob employees. And still true for a lot.
I don’t know. If they developed super powers, then maybe they should pay the company.
It happened quite a while back, and up to the late 90’s. Many babys were born with birth defects and horrible stuff like that. Oh and for the last comment, unless blindness and cancer are superpowers, I dont think the victims will be paying IBM any money anytime soon.
Originally posted by Dark-Sephiroth
It happened quite a while back, and up to the late 90’s. (…), unless blindness and cancer are superpowers, (…)
blindness = USA, cancer = USSR
I thought that this was common knowledge.
…I need not say more.
Wow, IBM sure is famous
And uhh… my dad works for IBM, he isn’t exactly blind or deaf… though I can’t argue the dumb part
(Joke :P)
Did you know that Blizzard entertainment is funding the creation of super weapons to radiat us all into green, orc like monsters?
Miscrosoft gets its ideas from ALIENS!
Canada doesn’t really exist, either, it is all an elaboret scheme put on by the world to delude it’s occupents that Canada is really there. In reality, Canada was over run by brain eating space monsters many years ago, and the world has been fighting a battle aganst the -incert hard to pronounce space alien name here- for countless decades! Only the GOVERMENTS don’t want us to know! =O
Originally posted by Dark-Sephiroth
It happened quite a while back, and up to the late 90’s. Many babys were born with birth defects and horrible stuff like that. Oh and for the last comment, unless blindness and cancer are superpowers, I dont think the victims will be paying IBM any money anytime soon.
Yeah, way to kill the joke.