I will make you mighty!

Do you want RPGC to prosper again? It seems obvious to me, that in my place I left some sort of blackho, that has sucked every ounce of love and happiness from this land. And I offer my services to you once more, so that things can grow once more. I will tear down the walls of inhabitability! This land will go from the scorched soil of post apocalypsism to a flourishing forest filled with unicorns and candy, completely without anything bad. In fact as an added bonus I will turn RPGClassics from RPGClassics, to RPGCLASSICS, increasing the capital letters in the name by nearly ten billion percent. All I ask in return is for you to obey me, without question.

No thanks, I don’t like caps, and certainly not the idea of RPGCLASSICS.

But I thought RPGCLASSICS was against the general rule of not affiliating with rom sites, Charlie :confused:

Other than that, good to see you. How’s life been? Hospitable?

Glad to have you back, Charlie. The site needs someone to reminds us not to get too serious about Life (or posting.) Here, take this scissors, and go cut off all of Sin’s pretty hair!

A broken man!

Hello Charle. May you quest to renew these forums be successful and stuff. Now shush about the adding of capitals.

Unicorns and candy! I’m in.

Yay, candy! :smiley:

I’ll only accept it for Unicrons and candy!

That’s going to be one heck of an acronym.

Allright, allright, we’ll compromise, thats what you do in a lasting relationship. okay, 50% of the letters capitalized. thats fair. RPGCLassics. How is that?

dual-wields RPG-7s Where’s my Unicrons and candy!?

yeah… those… I think… yeah… they got delayed.

runs away chewing down on a unicorn-burger, as candy wrappers spill out of his pocket.

I said Unicron, not unicorn. You can have all the damn horseburgers you want. :stuck_out_tongue:

no, uniCORN

I actually saw that movie in the theaters, believe it or not.

Joining the “never ever ever ever change avatar” crew, we have PC Glenton.

I like his avatar!

I like his style!

I like something too!