I was playing a little FF7, and i noticed something about Aeris.

I hate Aeris. I think she’s a dishonest, manipulative idiot. That doesn’t really have much to do with anything in here, but I like to mention that every time I can. <_<

Because to this day people still think they’ll be able to find a way to resurrect Aeris. Or something.

You’re saying Freud made a name by treating sex neuroses, Jung went the archetype way and Dr. Joe Schmoe will have to cure his patients of Aeris obsession in a few years’ time?

Both Aeris and Tifa were pretty shady about the facts of Cloud’s life.
This thread lives! Mua ha haha.

If I remember correctly, he went to go see Aerith one last time before the Midgar mission, which is why she was waiting for him to return. By that point, Zack had the Buster Sword.

Yep, the topic keeps coming back! :stuck_out_tongue:

Might as well take the chance to make a question:
I haven’t yet played Crisis Core, so will someone please tell me this: Is it true that Zack met Aeris in exactly the same way Cloud did, that is, by FALLING ON HER GARDEN??? Because that strains my suspension of disbelief even for a half-cyberpunk fantasy RPG.

Also, is it true that two bosses from this game steal Sephiroth’s One Winged Look bit? Is CC that bad of a FF7 ripoff?

It’s better to think of it as by far the best thing to come out of that FFVII compilation.

Actually it was the single best thing to come out of both compilations of that period (the FFVII one and the World of Mana one) by so much that the total sum of everything else doesn’t even come close.

Alright everybody, stand back. It has to be done before somebody gets their blood drained.

DIE GODDAMN YOU! stabs thread in the heart with a wooden stake

In any case, the answers are yes and yes. For the first question, there are several aspects of Zack’s life that mirror Cloud’s; the idea is that Cloud subconsciously took aspects of Zack’s life. For the second question, it’s not just two bosses. The “one wing” deal is a theme that pops up in two different aspects throughout most of the game, and is both thematic and artistic.

Cid: Yes I can tell the Zack/Cloud parallels are intentional. But having him FALL ON THE FLOWERS? Couldn’t he, I don’t know, meet Aeris while helping the Turks look for her? It’s just too improbable.

And while it’s not improbable that Sephiroth had “prototypes”, reusing the imagery so much diminishes the original (which chronologically no longer is the original. Ouch.) I’m not saying the game is bad because of this- but it smacks of being uncreative.

Quite frankly, with Sephiroth the “one winged angel” bit came out of absolutely nowhere. Here it’s explored much more in depth and given more than a cursory “let’s stick this on the final boss 'cause it looks cool”.

Why would the Turks need to look for her? They know where she lives. (Speaking of which, I just realized that we never get to see Aerith’s mother in CC. Hm.)

No, we don’t get to see Ifalna in CC, as she was already dead.

Cid: Oh, I don’t mind that they explored the origins of Sephiroth in CC, in fact I appreciate it. But creating two new characters that are, for all practical purposes, “Good Sephiroth” and “Bad Sephiroth” (in a game that ALSO features Sephiroth!) is too much for me.

As for Aeris, the first game stated that the Turks went looking for Aeris from time to time, but never caught her. Of course, it might be that the one who had a thing for her (Reno?) always let her get away. I don’t know what CC says about this, of course.

As for Aeris, the first game stated that the Turks went looking for Aeris from time to time, but never caught her. Of course, it might be that the one who had a thing for her (Reno?) always let her get away. I don’t know what CC says about this, of course.

To my memory, there is a cut scene where Tseng actually visits Aeris at her home, and tries to convince her to go willingly to Shinra. I think the Turks always knew where she lived, but for some reason Shinra wanted her voluntary cooperation, which doesn’t really make sense considering how Shinra dealt with her (biological) mother. My memory is sort of hazy but is it implied that Tseng did take pity on her, and not take her by force? This is sort of contradicted when he bitchslaps her in the helicopter.

EDIT: Sorry, missed this:

Why would the Turks need to look for her? They know where she lives. (Speaking of which, I just realized that we never get to see Aerith’s mother in CC. Hm.)

I love this thread!

They aren’t “good” and “bad” Sephiroth in the least. You’re on TVTropes, see Light Is Not Good and Dark Is Not Evil. The two characters are very different from Sephiroth and each other. Play the game before making judgments on it.

Aerith specifically in FF7 says that she’s known Tseng all her life. She knows them, they know her, it’s not a major thing. As for Tseng, in CC his character is expanded on (he doesn’t have much screentime in FF7). He’s a cold, efficient worker and will always follow orders. His emotions may affect how he follows them, but with Aerith struggling to escape, he isn’t going to risk her giving away too much to her rescuers, hence the “bitchslap”.

But why doesn’t Shinra just abduct and study her then? Was she already cooperating with them in some capacity before the events of FF7?

Oh, definitely. But first I need to know if I want to play the game. Thus my questions here. Also, “good” and “bad” are generalizations to make my point, it’s easier than saying “prototype Sephiroths who seem to represent his ‘angelic’ and ‘demonic’ motifs”. But thanks for your imput. :slight_smile:

Aerith specifically in FF7 says that she’s known Tseng all her life. She knows them, they know her, it’s not a major thing. As for Tseng, in CC his character is expanded on (he doesn’t have much screentime in FF7). He’s a cold, efficient worker and will always follow orders. His emotions may affect how he follows them, but with Aerith struggling to escape, he isn’t going to risk her giving away too much to her rescuers, hence the “bitchslap”.
That was my opinion of him- that he may have had a thing for Aeris- perhaps enough to allow her to escape him a few times- but not enough to risk the wrath of a pissed-off Shinra that was (at that point) willing to destroy part of their own city just to get rid of Avalanche.

Of course the whole “if they know where she is why didn’t they go get her sooner” thing could very well be a plot hole they never covered well.

And yet, the game says that Aerith is a streetwise, touph as nails, survivor ala Pat Benatar even though the game never actually demonstrates this. At all. Ever. In fact, I would even go so far as to suggest that she does the exact opposite of that which she is acclaimed of whenever and wherever possible.

Therefore gentlemen, I purpose to you that the game or Aerith is a dirty liar. (Most likely both since she is known to lie to you about a great many things.)

Yeah, that seems kind of strange. Actually, I don’t remember the game implying that Aeris was as you describe it, however, its been a long time since I played FF7. What examples were you thinking of specifically?
To my mind, Aeris was portrayed as being the opposite, which is to say innocence that had somehow survived in a hard and poverty-stricken world.

Like around the time when you first meet her.