I need inspiration!!!

I need some help for my advanced art class. We’re doing Surrealism and I need to create a painting or drawing incorporating my dreams.

unfortunately, I don’t remember my dreams too well, so if you want to share any of your own, please feel free. Just keep it clean, this for school, okay?

thx!!! :moogle:

I was in a blue, stone, cubist landscape. I didn’t remember when, but I felt that I’d been there before; I didn’t like it. There was a blue outhouse, with a cresent moon carved into the door, I’d felt like I’d been there before, and I didn’t like it; so I woke myself up.

I was a young New Yorker who was carried off by a giant blimp to Slumberland where I was to become a playmate for King Morpheus’s daughter, Princess Camille. In Slumberland, I was warned never to open the door which leads to Nightmare Land. Dared by a mischievous trickster named Flip, I opened the door and a dark demon slithered out and abducted the king. Assisted by my flying pet squirrel, Princess Camille, and the delicate Professor Genius, I entered the evil Nightmare Land to rescue King Morpheus.

Don’t insult my intelligence.

I had a dream I took a mountainbike down a waterslide. It was fun, but I still couldn’t ditch the alien ninjas chasing me. Don’t ask. I ate right before i went to bed.

Blood, blood, blood.

I had a dream where I turned into a squirrel and a bee flew up my nose. This is a real dream I had.

I had a few dreams where I felt uplifted and incredibly spiritually enlightened, from the fact that I could fly, through no control of my own. However, by rebounding off of the palaces in the sky, I would leap through the air and break huge icicles off of their rooves with my bare hands, and wield them as swords…I would attack archers.

Its hard to insult somthing that doesnty exist.


Your a cowboy doing a quick draw on a shadowey figure. This is in a wild field of fox tails and some sort of blue flower. There are a few house in view, as well as a mountain range. There is a lightning storm approaching in the background, near the mountains.

I’ve found that many of my dreams are pieced together from an assortment of random things that I did thought about during the day, whether they be games I played, objects I interacted with, people I talked to, words I read, or concepts I talked about with others.

If you do not remember your dreams too well, try to assume what a surreal dream would be like for you. Make a record of some of the things you think of or interact with during any given day, as I mentioned above, and then fool around with those. Blend them together, melting some of the things and generally fooling around with the form of these things, and work with that.

Dripping clocks are a good start. Take a look at some of Salvador Dali’s artworks for some inspiration. And good luck to you.

Yeah I like Dali’s works, but Rene Magritte’s “The Son of Man” is definitely my favorite, you know the one where the dude has a green apple in front of his face?
Thanks guys I feel the creative juices flowing…
wait… that’s just the poison taking over my system. False alarm everybody.

Take some mushrooms. That should be enough inspiration… maybe more than you can handle! : P

You are awsome.

I had a dream where I had to do weird things to keep myself from listening to this voodoo lady, because if I listened to her, it would lead to me being murdered.

Don’t ask, because i don’t know either.

My Dreams are Wierd Lets take a Ranodm one.

A Pair of Swedish Girls (Whom shall remain nameless but we do know them), asked me to chase them through a certain Swedish furnature store in Warrington, UK. WE start running, they have agood start and as I’m entering the Bed Dept and they’ve just left. I notice Pierson and TD Stuck together at a Shop clerks desk in that stores uniform. Chase contine. I reach the check outs. I then fall out of bed, and waking me in progeress. Good news for the girls…

Not drawable I know.

I’d Tell you about another but since Both I and another Artist have this art work, in various forms, I’m not. But you can see a seitch of mine since the final Peice is incomplete.


Psh…use your own damn dreams and improvise with what you’ve got. It’s not like they can grade you on how well you remember your own dreams. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it those two swedish girls that think you’re disgusting? And are seriously creeped out by your sick obsession?

I had a dream I was being chased by men made of clay. They could roll into balls and move really fast by rolling on the ground. They had me cornered and were trying to kill me, until I reached into my pocket and gave them a banana. They rolled away.

We did that project in art class… and my teacher looked at me and said “Please keep it school apporperate Christina… No blood, gore and violence.”

So I drew and painted a picture of a dream after the killing was done with. ^.^

In my dreams I walk through fire.
and often I dream of tearing the flesh off my face and there is somone else underneath.