I heard FF XIV is in development

The storyline and characters are in the early sketch board.

That’s really amazing. Considering FFXIII is nowhere near finished, I mean.
And where did this truly reliable information come from, pray tell?

I hear some guy is going around spreading arbitrary news on RPG forums without citing sources.

And yet he’s probably right. We had character designs from XII well before X was out. You have to start early to make fleshed out games.

In which case the news is hardly news. If it is in development, it’s at such an early stage it isn’t worth commenting on. And it’s not like there’s any doubt whether or not FFXIV will ever be made.

Precisely. (referring to Hades and Cid’s last post)

And that is precisely the reason that news is off limits to all passengers.

Didn’t they start working on FFX when FF VIII was just released? I thought there was some interview somewhere… so this is plausible… at least.

i h8 j00, klez.

Months after FF VIII release, SE unveil FF IX, FF X and FF XI. They showed early screenshot of FF X. They might do the same with FF XIV. Yea FF X and possibly XI was already in develpoment after FF VIII. FF XII was being develop back when FF X was finish.

And to all this I say:

Who cares?

It’s likely that Square has SEVERAL FF treatises in development; in fact it seems that the FF series can be divided in two types, the “classic” fantasy and the more “modern” ones like 7 and 8. 11 and 12 were Classic, despite 12 featuring some modern technology; 13 looks like it goes back to being highly futuristic (judging from the few stills I’ve seen) so I wouldn’t be surprised if Square were already working on the next “Classic” FF, probably for FF14. But of course, until officially announced, it’s just ‘something in development’ and not a true game. Still, I would like to know more about it.

I heard that Square-Enix is considering ideas for Final Fantasy XV. Should I create a new thread?

No surpise there. I’m sure SE will continue to milk the series as long it sells well.:get it?:

…Something tell me Locke was being sarcastic. :wink:

In any case: do you have any links to show, KnightShade?

Instead of worrying about Final Fantasy 5 years down the line, look back on the last 10 years and do some updating. Hint: Final Fantasy IX reimagining for the PS3. Final Fantasies XIV & XV can wait until they’ve finished milking the Fabula Nova Crystallis Compilation. ty~

They aren’t going to milk FF9 any more than they already have. It’s arguably (and undeservedly) the least popular of their offerings in the post-SNES era. I was impressed enough that Zidane and Kuja made it into Dissidia.