I had a dream

As did I. Then I saw his name was Skankin Garbage, and still had no idea. ;_; <3 SG :smiley: <3

I have never loved you more than I do in this moment.

I dedicate this Haiku to you!

I’m sorry Ashy
But they have the right to know
That you love Pierson!

Ha ha ha
Don’t hate me :frowning:

Oh Pierson! Take me in your arms!

edit: hisssss STFU HADES. Only Shinobi can sing to my heart in the form of a haiku!

as a new person here, i just feel the need to say that i am at least mildly frightened at this point.

Haha oh don’t be frightened, none of this is really serious :stuck_out_tongue: Except for my love and hate relationships with these two men.

You’re not alone…

If anyone in this forum is gonna die riddled with bullets inside a bank’s vault while dressed in eveningwear and holding roses in one hand and Desert Eagles in the other, it’s gonna be Hades, Eva, Shin and I. :wink:

If you’re only mildly scared, well done. From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t get much worse, usually.

well… that’s a relief

Our fall will be serenaded by a lone violin…duhn duhn DUHN

Coolness factor -10

I’m sorry. I failed you. :frowning:

EDIT: Damnit, I’ve had my shrining tools open for the last thrity minutes. I should probably get to it…


that’s not negative is it?

never darling. You are quite the man. Like a cool man, that is.

[QUOTE=Pierson]I’m sorry. I failed you. :(QUOTE]

Then there is no other option than committing seppuku.

Yeah, you’re right. Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix before I go?

Yeah, tell him to pick up his dog points to nearly dead dog in corner.

“Sup nukka?”