Howl's moving thread

Just a thread of NE-thing relating to HMC. NE-thing. Personally I liked it. It was long, hard, and full of demon fire thing. That flame made me think of Dragon Quest and those servents for that one lady looked like blonde Haku from Spirited Away.

I don’t like Miyazaki to begin with…the only thing of his i can stand is Nausicaa. But this was clearly a pathetic attempt at fitting a complex book into 2 and a half hours of screen time. I mean jesus, there were so many plotholes!

If anything, it made me realize Miyazaki is not god, and made me want to go read the book.

Thank god disney is giving Ghibli some decent fucking voice actors now though. Billy Crystal and Lauren Bacall were AMAZING. It made howl and the rest of the voice-acted cast look embarrassing. I hope that this signifies a change in production-grade anime voice casting, and that we begin to get decent actors instead of “Joe-just-out-of-voice-acting-school-schmoe”.

I havn’t seen it yet but I know I will like it. I like all of studio ghibli films. :moogle:

What’s a NE-thing? Is it a food? An object of value?

Looking forward to seeing this. I didn’t like Spirited Away as much as everyone else seemed to but Miyazaki is still a pretty talented director. If only they screened it around here. :frowning:

It’s not being screened around here. The nearest place is five hours away and my parents aren’t about to drive all the way out there just to see a movie.

Really? Thats weird. It is playing in every Regal Cinemas (which is a pretty big chain, i guess) around here.

Just picked up the book today, and so far it certainly explains more of the story.

I saw the original Japanese, not the American

Hey Devillion,would you mind telling me were you found the book?I would like to find it to give it as a gift to someone.

At barnes and nobles, actually. Once you get into it, it has a slightly different plot, but the main story is the same.

This thread moves me.

i believe that ghibli’s talent doesn’t come from the detailed drawings or even plots. there is something hidden beneath it all that makes all of their movies . . magical. i would never turn down rewatching any miyazaki film no matter how many times i’d already seen it . . . THAT DAY! unless hmc is lacking this quality, i’m sure that this film will receive much love from not only me, but all sober viewers of the picture.