Howard Stern Anime

I had one of the dumbest ideas ever…a howard stern anime. It’ll be like the tv show, just animated.

He will interview girls that are either:
-Generic anime girls
-Girls from other anime
-Girls from the show

What would make an AWESOME episode would be the stupid bowl. The part when the girls stuck their head in the toilet to get hot dogs into the bucket was hilarious.

Or, they could make some episodes be based off the radio show and be four hours long.

The show would definately be in english only.

And another thing is they’ll also have more teenage girls on the show because of the lack of them on the real show. There were just a couple 18 year old girls.

Motor City Middays and Deminski &Doyle woudl also make good anime. They could have michelle be Sailor Jupiter because she sure talks like her.

All Howard Stern does is get women to come on his show and take their tops off. If they don’t take their tops off then he makes them leave. Sometimes he makes women taking their tops off into a game show, Artie presses the “fart noise” button, and Howard calls Gary stupid. Yeah, it’s pretty funny for about a week, then it gets really old.

I tape it every night

His show is gonna end soon on tv so it’s a good time to make an anime of it. It would be really funny

I haven’t seen him aska girl to leave yet

The games usually the prize is the girl gets naked. But even if they lose, they get naked. It’s a win/win situation

Howard Stern is like Joey Ramone. Only instead of having cancer for twenty-five years or so, he has been a cancer on all humour for about that long.