How popular is anime/manga in your area?

This is just a curiosity question. I think there is a pretty big anime scene here in Raleigh. A lot of people that I wouldn’t guess would watch it actually do. I’d say about half usually just watch the dubbed Toonami stuff and the other half go the whole torrent/sub route.

How long until anime because really mainstream prime-time type stuff and actually gets good dubbers on a regular basis? It’s a hell of a lot better than any reality show crap they have on prime time now. i’d love to see a drama like Monster shown. I think people would really latch onto it if they could put aside the notion that it is a serious “cartoon”.

The occasional weirdass kid that’s overly otaku.

Not very popular, in other words.

Well in my school, not at all. I can think of one girl who likes it.

(not myself)

Its popular in my school with all the pirates*, though they’ve only seen stuff like naruto, one piece, and inuyasha. We have an anime club, but they only even watch stuff you can see on FOX/UPN or Toonami anyway.

  • drama emo scenesters who shop at hot topic to buy pirate pants and then go home and watch pirates of the carribean because johnny depp is SOOOO HOT OMG

I can’t say its very popular in the Boston area. I only know a couple people who care about anime.

A while back when I went and saw the Bebop movie in a movie theater, there were only about a dozen people beside me.

We do have an anime club but lets just say if you take part,people will NEVER let you live it down (i.e “you have no life”)

It’s freaking ubiquitous. Well, maybe not, but it keeps turning out that all of my friends are into anime, and then also friends of friends who I just met. And I was just down in North Carolina visiting a great aunt, and she had just been kidding her granddaughter (who’s just 2 years younger than I) that she’s too old to be watching anime.

i know a grand total of 5 or 6 people who are into it to any degree…including myself. there’s a few like me that read it and enjoy it, and then there’s people who go AAHH! LOOK AT THIS THIS IS ABOUT THE COOLEST THING EVAR!!!

General Otaku from Bellevue:

Oh Ehm Gee! Its sumthing wiff teh big EYEZ and Boobies! It must be bettar than anything Amerikan artists kan make in like 1million yearz!!11!

I ware Naruto hed-band for teh winz!

Bellevue Hospital?

Bellevue Washington, near Seattle and Redmond. (I live across from Microsoft and Nintendo)

You lucky jerk… I live out in Monroe.

Anyway, I can’t really say for certain how popular it is out here, since I don’t get out much.
But, it is pretty cool that people at church are anime fans. Heheh. :cool:

I have found my people! I have met people that are as much of an otaku as I am, and a number of yaoi fangirls. I’m not so sure about the Boston area. I know there are two little shops around Harvard Square, but I really haven’t spent much time in Boston.

Hardly. I’m like the only one who even knows what it is. My girlfriend does too, so I guess it’s good.

A lot of vastly different opinions. That is kind of how I figured it. There are the very flamboyant anime/manga lovers, but a lot of them are closet-types. I think the closet anime lovers are many.