How long have you been playing FF?

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy since i was a little boy about 4 when FF1 was on nintendo. I remember looking in awe and curious what they were saying when i saw my brother play FF1 and of course i started just pressing buttons until the fighting i had to ask my brother what to do and all. But as i grew older their was another FF2 for nintendo that i didn’t get to play at all cuz i guess my brother never really got into the series… he just stopped at that point. When i was about 6 or 7 i played FF2… now just to let you guys know i was just touching up on reading and let me say thanks to FF it was like Hooked on phonics all over again. While kids read books, i played FF2 like a book. As time flow past i played these non FF games that square made, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Mario RPG. Those games made me believe that all Square products of every aspect rules. When i was 9 or 10 i proceeded to play FF3 which i say is one of thee best FF i evered played til this day. When i was about 13 i started to proceed on playing FF7 and then when i was 14 i played only half of FF8 which i think is also one of thee best. Also when i was 14 i played FF5 which never came out in the US, i only played the translated ROM version which i thought was ok. When i was 15 FF9 came out and i started to play it til disc 4 cuz it got really weird on me :boring: Then 10 came out and i was glued back on my TV learning new phrases, telling my friends how i was hooked to the whole series which they think i was just following the band wagon, which i wasn’t, but i’ve played a long line of Square games and basically the whole FF series. I’ve beaten every FF except for 1 and 9 cuz they got really tedious and i really didn’t like the whole concept for 9. 1 just got kinda weird cuz it was for SNES and i know they made remades for the game but i stick to classics. Thats my life story of FF and i live and breath FF i am a hardcore FF FAN! ALWAYS WILL! ALWAYS WILL BE!p:unch::

senses this topic will be closed

FF7 iz da b3st cuz Sephiroth iz in itz.

Andz Cloud gotz a HYOOG sword.

I have been playing it for two point five seconds. This belongs on the FFC.

FF7 thats its? hyoog sword and sephiroth? lol! Uhh i can’t wait til the movie comes out cuz i’m going to watch it no doubt!!!

The stupidity of this thread hurts my head.

Guh, why is it that people troll on new people (or just people that make a thread that’s, to them, stupid.)

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy since I was around 5 or 6. I used to play Lufia 2 with my brother all the time, then I rented Final fantasy 3 once. It was awesome, so I loved all the other FFs.

Edit: I second what Eden said.

kay, I don’t post much and for good reason. However, this just grinds me.

This post COULD have been an attempt at decent conversation. Sure, it is over done. Sure the spelling wasn’t that good, but do you think that you’re outstanding attempts to be as assholish to people who may not know the ropes as well as you do will help fix that in anyway shape or form? No. No it won’t.

Grow up people, seriously, have a bit of compassion. None of us are perfict and I find people dancing around saying “OMG THIS THREAD IS CLOSED BEING CAUSE U ARE A N00B AND U SAID SOMETHING THAT WOULD HOPEFULLY BREAK THE ICE” highly annoying. I don’t know if you can even see what you are doing, obviously so busy trying so hard to look cool, but it isn’t right.

If this thread is to be closed, let it be so, but I hope maybe this makes some of you look back on your past actions and think.


I’d jsut like to take this moment to say that I was talking about the stupidity of the people who startd beating on FFm. And, I might as well answer now, I’ve been playing the FF series since FF2 fo rthe SNES.

Lav Eden.

Originally posted by Eden99
[b]kay, I don’t post much and for good reason. However, this just grinds me.

This post COULD have been an attempt at decent conversation. Sure, it is over done. Sure the spelling wasn’t that good, but do you think that you’re outstanding attempts to be as assholish to people who may not know the ropes as well as you do will help fix that in anyway shape or form? No. No it won’t.

Grow up people, seriously, have a bit of compassion. None of us are perfict and I find people dancing around saying “OMG THIS THREAD IS CLOSED BEING CAUSE U ARE A N00B AND U SAID SOMETHING THAT WOULD HOPEFULLY BREAK THE ICE” highly annoying. I don’t know if you can even see what you are doing, obviously so busy trying so hard to look cool, but it isn’t right.

If this thread is to be closed, let it be so, but I hope maybe this makes some of you look back on your past actions and think.

:kissy: [/b]

I agree whole-heartedly. Flaming newbies won’t get them anywhere.

Since the release of FFVII. Hooked ever since.

However, bad way to introduce yourself to the forum.:ah-ha!:

NOTE: I am not flaming the noob. I am just showing how FF7 is overrated, but I still love the game.

Welcome to the boards.

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy ever since I rented Final Fantasy 3 (6j) from my local Microplay. I was only about 11 at the time, so I was a little overwhelmed. Ever since then I’ve been following Squaresoft as a relgion. My personal favourite game as of right now is Final Fantasy Tactics, and I’m currently playing through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

If you want to talk to other Final Fantasy fans such as myself, I suggest you check out the FFCompendium Boards. That is generally where we relegate FF topics to, and is a good place if you have any questions about the game. Also, check out the FFC main site for probably the most complete FF guide on the internet.

*MAN, I said “Final Fantasy” a lot in this post…

Originally posted by PanamaJack
I’ve been playing Final Fantasy ever since I rented Final Fantasy 3 (6j) from my local Microplay.

OMG ME TOO! Same game, same place! All hail Microplay and it’s eye candy staff, huzzah! Ah the good old days when I used to enquire there about SNES rentals…

LOL! you guys are really funny! OMGosh its like their is no end to the flaming is there? Can at least share my interest of what final fantasy is and still is to me? OMGosh you guys need to chill… I prefer New Person… or new comer not n00b… cuz unlike a n00b i dont go off posting something like this… How do you post? Please if it makes everyone better i wont post anymore nor even dare to step in the forums. If that wat you want i’ll leave

no, no, you’re perfectly fine :cool:

Stay as long as you wish, friend. Ignore the newbie haters.

Actually, Kagon just made a sticky regarding the flaming of newbies and how its not accepted, feel privileged by how the replies to your topic was (probably) what got him to post it :hahaha;

Originally posted by Chris of the Brood
senses this topic will be closed

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
The stupidity of this thread hurts my head.

Man, I was so going to say something along those lines.

Now for my regular n00b spiel:

:wave: helloz

:runaway: steals FFM’s shoes

EDIT: I forgot to answer the question earlier: FF3(6j)

Alright New Guy, let’s start over.

Hi, I am Nightblade, the local weapons dealer.

*hands the new guy a handgun

Use it to defend yourself, Use it wisely.

Playing since FF7