How did you learn about RPGClassics?

Well, Enough said.

Actually my friend sarah told me about it, and tryed to convert all of my high scool O_o
I just picked cheese cause I say stupid stuff about it all the time

Really though, I found it by searching for a walkthru for some NES game. But, hey, cheese. That’s some good stuff.

Found it whilst searching for various FF5 guides.

Onion kid.

Fan fiction search on Google. It took me a while to work up the courage to post.

Rast and I used to be buds, I helped alot with the site, when he left he put me in charge, I did some stupid stuff, and was bannished, till I moved and got a new ip address, so I am technically evaiding a ban, but I dont care, I changed my name to Charlemagne, and nobody has known my secret, till now…

Dun dun DUNNNNN!

RPGClassics? Whuzzat? I’m only familiar with this Agora.

The demons told me to visit here. They are silent for the time. 0_o

Search Engine while looking for an FFV guide, and from there to the Agora.



Aw well, google does its work…

I was just looking for a page named rpgclassics, too, where you could get any RPG rom you wanted, but it had a long address so I forgot it… now it disappeared sob

Oh, yea, I remember that site. The owner used to post here, but I forgot who it was and she had to close down the site due to bandwidth issues. There was no relation between the two sites, but it was spiffy while it lasted.

Once upon a time there was Mysidia

And then there was Mabatsekker who checked the place out

People spoke of SPCs one day

I went to a site where some Spoony Bard had an archive in.


A few years pass…

Sept 11th 2001 I stumble in the chat and the rest is history…

When I was younger I was looking for Lufia 2 info and I came upon a Lufia 2 shrine. I believe this is the site I stumbled upon because I saw no other site that used the word “shrine” before. And then years later I kept stumbling upon it and the rest is history.

I Found this due the RPGClassics ROM site

Then i went to the chat, and after being flamed, laughed at, and mocked due my imperfect english, i decided to stay.

Now I’m a regular Lurker there (In the chat)

GGCrono4 told me about RPGC.

Found it while searching for a walkthrough of some sort for some game I can’t remember.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
Oh, yea, I remember that site. The owner used to post here, but I forgot who it was and she had to close down the site due to bandwidth issues. There was no relation between the two sites, but it was spiffy while it lasted.

Yeah, Daria also said that her hoster deleted her site or something due to some reason or other and she didn’t have a backup. Can’t remember too well.

I came across the Agora from FF Compendum ( Cidoflas’s site).
Then one day found that there were other things to RPGC other than the agora ( the Rpgc site)

and here i am