Hey Guys!

I’m a newbie to the Message boards. I’m also d Galloway’s brother (In real life too.) and a long-time viewer, First- time poster. If you have any question, you can ask me in this thread.

May I change your socks for you?

(anyone who gets the reference wins)

What are hot dogs REALLY made out of?

Oh, and welcome. I’d stab you out of love, but I’m too lazy right now.

I’d say Beef, or turkey.

Originally posted by JFGemini107
I’d say Beef, or turkey.

And I’d say you’re dead wrong. It’s hog anus. Nothing but hog anus.

And welcome to the RPGC.

Welcome, I have a feeling that this might come in handy Gives JFGemini107 a large rubber mallet You probably don’t need me to tell ou that we’re pefectly sane

Welcome to RPGC. Don’t start trouble.

I get Steve’s reference. Now, who gets mine?

Thanks for the mallet!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! MY LAST REFUGE FROM THEE HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE! erects a giant metalic barrier to keep him far, far, far away

Welcome to RPGC. I’m Zhou Yu. You don’t know it yet, but I’m the reason you’re here.

Quit saying that to every newbie.

Err, are you sure you’re a newbie? Cuz I coulda swore I remembered someone with the nickname JFGeminisomethingorother before…but I think said person was a girl, and since you said you’re D’s BROTHER, well…

Hello Mr. <strike>Bonde</strike>Galloway…

Yes, I’m sure I’m a newbie. and Yes, I’m a guy.

Welcome to hell…

Well, shit, now we’ve got two Galloways AND two JFGeminis. What a day.

Nope, One Gemini, Two Galloways.

Your name wouldnt happen to mean Jet Force Gemini, would it? Because for some reason, that sound oddly familiar.

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
I get Steve’s reference. Now, who gets mine?

Tell me what it’s from, then.

Look at all the new people…mmm fresh meat…err uhh you didn’t…read that…

Originally posted by Sorcerer
Your name wouldnt happen to mean Jet Force Gemini, would it? Because for some reason, that sound oddly familiar.

The N64 game maybe?