Hey guys, is this possible?

I’d like to download free anime and watch it on my windows media player, does anyone have good link for this?

I have bo cash myself and am disabled so jobs arent many for me.

I don’t think you can download things for free on the internet.

Is this a very sophisticated joke or not

  1. Get new RealPlayer (activate the special download option)
  2. Go find a site that streams and/or uses a media player to show anime (or use Youtube)
  3. ??? (Download video to RealPlayer)
  4. Success!

See PM

yeah haha youtube will actually let you watch a surprising amount of anime for free, I caught some entire DBZ sagas the other day when I was nostalgic, it’s that bad

Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?

Hint: <font style = “background-color: black” color=“black”>It’s more than 8999</font>

Man, what is so great about that line? lmao

Piccolo: It’s in my other pants pocket!

THE ****ing BALLS are ****ing INERT!

You coul try hulu.com or some of the channels on YouTube (Funimation and Kadokawa have them).

There are always torrents if you’re into that as well.

Though I don’t know too much about it, crunchyroll is another site where you can watch anime for free. And unlike youtube it tends to focus more on anime making it much easier to view what you want (things like Legend of the Galactic Heroes which you would only be able to find AMVs of on youtube).


Veoh is another good one, it looks like.