I recently purchased Grandia 2 after owning Grandia 1 for a good few months, and I’m looking into buying another RPG, since I haven’t for like 1-2 weeks.
My options are either Radiata Stories, Grandia 3, or Magna Carta: Tears of Blood.
So far I’ve heard great stuff from the former 2, and not so great stuff of the latter. I checked the rankings on Gamespot, and they are all in the 7’s, Grandia 3 being the highest, and Magna Carta being the lowest.
I looked at some screens of Grandia 3, and it looks much different than Grandia 2. In terms of graphics and battle system layout. It looks like they actually have a clock on the screen.
I’ve heard so much good about Radiata Stories, too. It’s a long game, same creators as Valkyrie Profile (hell, Lenneth is a character, if I’m not mistaken, #177). However, I hear it’s pretty easy, and the ending sucked.
I’ve heard absolutely nothing good from Magna Carta, but I saw a trailer of it, and it looked decent. I then saw a gameplay footage movie, and it blew me away. This game is probably the least on my want list of the aforementioned games, but if you, RPGC, can say it’s pretty good, I’ll look into it.
I’m really leaning towards Grandia 3, being a huge fan of the series and all, but Radiata Stories is still up in the air.
What say you, RPGC?
edit; feel free to reccomend any other good RPG’s, prefferably common and for PS2.